Inclusion MOMENTS


Fostering an inclusive culture requires time, effort, and commitment to the practices of inclusion. At IMechE we strive to create a culture where diverse contributors have equal impact. 

In a meeting, leaders should focus on three key areas. First, create psychological safety before the meeting even begins: send the agenda out ahead of time, welcome people by name as they enter the room, and make sure the seating accommodates everyone (if this is a physical meeting). During the meeting itself, manage conduct. When strong personalities over-reach, tamp down offenders, and actively bring all voices into the conversation. 

Finally, to show our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion we created this library of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Moments that can be introduced at the start of your meeting. This will help raise awareness and educate our IMechE community on Diversity and Inclusion matters.

Click on the drop down list below to gain access to the list of Inclusion Moments.

If you would like to contribute to our library of Inclusion Moments, please contact

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If you would like to find out more about our Diversity and Inclusion Committee contact