Institution news

Outstanding RAF candidates collect inaugural Institution awards

Institution News Team

L-R: Colonel Ed Heal, Senior Air Craftsman John Vyse, Jill Dwyer
L-R: Colonel Ed Heal, Senior Air Craftsman John Vyse, Jill Dwyer

Senior Aircraftsmen John Vyse and Alistair Webb picked up the first IMechE Awards for Best Student of 2016 and Outstanding Performance by an Aircraft Mechanical Trainee.

Senior Aircraftsman John Vyse is serving at RAF Marham and is currently maintaining the plant equipment, generators and airfield servicing equipment, which aid in the servicing of the aircraft and keep the airfield safe and operational. John completed technical training as an aircraft mechanical technician first and then re-mustered to the general engineering trade, which he found he preferred.

John received the Best Overall General Mechanical Engineering Student 2016 award, which celebrates the achievements of young RAF engineering talent and helps raise awareness of the opportunities for students to gain recognition for their engineering skills and knowledge with a professional engineering institution.

His Chief Technician, Stan Matthews said: “John is an unassuming and committed individual and I know that during the 14 month course, he played a significant part in the development of the weaker course members. He was regularly found in the workshop prior to work and throughout his lunchtimes tutoring other members of the course in preparation for examinations.”

John acknowledges that he has continued this approach while completing his NVQ qualifications: “I find that when I explain things to others, I improve my own learning.”

Colonel Ed Heal, who is a Fellow of the Institution, presented John with his certificate and congratulated him on his outstanding achievement during his technical training, which he completed in May 2016.

Tim Gallagher, Head of Mechanical Engineering Training Flight, said: ‘’John thoroughly deserves the recognition this award brings. He was committed to both the course content, and his fellow students throughout his time at St Athan He should be rightly proud of his achievement.’’

John is committed to keep developing and plans to start an HNC in 2017. He said of his award: “I am honoured to receive this award. I enjoyed learning here at St Athan and I look forward to continuing with education. Having two young children, my wife helped a great deal by ensuring I had the time I needed to revise.”

John received a £250 cheque and certificate as well as a commemorative slate.

Senior Aircraftsman Alistair Webb received the Outstanding Performance by an Aircraft Mechanical Trainee award.

Wing Commander Jones commended Alistair not only on his dedication to his academic work, where he achieved an average of 94% in his exams, but also for his outstanding attitude, high personal standards and a willingness to volunteer for additional duties and support the life of the school.

> L-R: Wing Commander Chris Jones, Senior Aircraftsman Alistair Webb, Jill Dwyer
L-R: Wing Commander Chris Jones, Senior Aircraftsman Alistair Webb, Jill Dwyer

Addressing an audience of current trainees, Wing Commander Jones said: “I would like to thank the Institution for sponsoring this award and congratulate SAC(T) Webb on his outstanding performance. I hope this award inspires all trainees to continue in their pursuit of excellence, a trait which they should carry forward into their subsequent careers.”

Jill Dwyer, the Institution's Defence Liaison Officer, presented a certificate and a cheque for £250 to mark the achievement. Alistair also had his name engraved on a hand finished trophy, which was created in the workshops at RAF Cosford, and will remain on display as a permanent recognition of achievement and presented to the winner each year.

Alistair is currently serving at RAF Odiham and is working on 27 Squadron Chinook.

He said: “It was an absolute honour to receive this award from the Institution. I fully enjoyed the course at Cosford, learning about the vast number of aircraft systems was fascinating. It’s great that the achievements of technicians in the Royal Air Force are being recognised by civilian organisations such as the Institution.”

The Award is supported by the Institution's Educational Awards Committee and recognises excellence amongst RAF engineering trainees. It also marks the strong bond between the Institution and the RAF training establishment.


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