
Purpose of the PRC

The Terms of Reference for the PRC are as follows:

"The Professional Review Committee acts to admit applicants into  Corporate Membership and registration as a Chartered Engineer,  Incorporated Engineer or Engineering Technician.

"The PRC has the delegated authority from the Trustee Board to make the final decision on all Corporate applications. Only the PRC review applications in their entirety. Assessors must not advise the applicant of the likely outcome of the interview as this may be changed by the PRC." 

Recommendation Overturns

The committee is empowered to overturn a recommendation made by the initial assessors. This will only be done at a committee meeting following a discussion and review of all the application paperwork. Changes to the recommendation include overturning from defer with guidance to not recommend (and vice versa).

The only circumstance in which the PRC cannot change a recommendation is from failure (DFR/NR) to elect as this is an irreversible step. However, if the committee deem it necessary, they can request additional written information from the applicant or ask them to attend a second interview.

In all circumstances where the committee overturn a recommendation, the PRC Chair or appropriate Vice-Chair will write to the interview panel / Industrial Advisor to explain the reason why they made the decision.

Go to The PRC Review Process

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