Professor Joe McGeough has been a Member of the Institution since 1979 and is currently an Honorary Professorial Fellow in the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh.
Joe has been a long-time volunteer in the Institution having previously served on both Trustee Board and Council. He has held a number of positions at the Institution, including Chair of the Publishing Board, the International Strategy Board, the Scottish Region and the Edinburgh & SE Scotland panel. He was also a member of the Qualifications & Membership Board for 10 years.
Joe is a graduate of Glasgow University and also holds a DSc from Aberdeen. During his undergraduate years he worked as a vacation apprentice at ICI Nobel Division, and also with Cossor Radar and Electronics and at the Royal Greenwich Observatory. Following graduation he worked for International Research and Development Ltd in Newcastle as a Research Metallurgist. He also held research appointments as a Demonstrator and Senior Research Fellow at respectively Leicester, and Queensland and Strathclyde universities.
Joe was then successively a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Reader in Engineering at Aberdeen University before transferring to Edinburgh as Regius Chair of Engineering and serving for eight years as the Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering.
His main field of research is manufacturing and especially unconventional (electrochemical) machining. He has been awarded prizes for his research by both IMechE and the Society for Underwater Technology, as well being a recipient of a Royal Society industrial Fellowship.
He has worked to extend electrochemical machining (ECM) methods to surgery, helping establish an orthopaedic engineering centre in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. His collaboration with surgeons has looked at the engineering analysis of back pain and the effects of age on the mechanical properties of bone.
Joe is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Royal Academy of Engineering, and the International Society for Nanomanufacturing as well as being Emeritus Fellow of the International Academy for Production Engineering.
He has held visiting University appointments at Naples, Glasgow Caledonian, Monash, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and Dublin City. Currently he is an Honorary Professor at Nanjing Aeronautical and Astronautical University, and is Visiting Professor in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester.