How to submit a paper to the Trustee Board

If you would like to submit a paper to the Trustee Board you will need to follow the guidelines below.

If you would like to submit a paper to the Trustee Board you will need to follow the guidelines below.

All papers should be submitted to the Trustee Office for quality review a minimum of 20 days prior to the Trustee Board. They should consist of an executive summary of no more than two pages long with any supporting documentation or reports as attachments.

The Executive Summary should be laid out in the following way: 

Name of Board or Committee (eg Board of Trustees, Council)


Report author:

Representative of: [Board/Committee name]
For decision, discussion or information:
Commercially sensitive information included:

1. Summary

Summary of issue and what is proposed.  No more than paragraph.

2. Background

Including who has been consulted

3. Recommendation  

What does the paper recommend

4. Resource implications

How the matter in this paper will impact on resources on the specific team but also the broader organisation where there are inter-dependencies.

Outline and funding being requested (if any). Has this been approved by the Finance Board?

5. Communications Implications

Internal and external considerations.  Consider RACI

6. Assurance implications

Statement to cover governance, risk, information governance and legal considerations.  

7. Diversity and Inclusion implications

Diversity and Inclusion implications

8. Further information

EG links to other relevant information. Slides, data etc

The above format also applies to annual reviews of sub-Boards to ensure that they respond to the business plan rather than being a catalogue of work done over the year.

This downloadable word document can be used as a template for all papers submitted to Trustee Board.

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