Role of a Trustee explained
Improving the world through engineering could not have been achieved without the influential and progressive nature of its membership. Now standing at 120,000 members in 140 countries, it continues to be a driving force in industry and wider society.
Since its inception, the Institution has actively sought Members’ views and recommendations on how it should be governed and on its charitable aims. The Trustee Board governs and leads the Institution, and is responsible for ensuring it abides by its Royal Charter, by-laws and statutory regulations. The Institution’s Council, made up of over 70 volunteer Member representatives from across our UK and international regions, divisions and groups, advises the 12 elected Trustees on strategy, membership and other key issues.
The role of a Trustee
Becoming a Trustee is not a decision one takes lightly. It often means making decisions that will impact on people’s lives, both within the Institution and society as a whole. I know this only too well, being responsible for the creation of the Trustee Board in 2002 and recently taking on the presidency for the second time in my career.
This is a serious voluntary undertaking. Trustees need to have a wide range of competencies to enable them to make professional judgements in diverse matters associated with the governance and operation of the Institution. In addition to their professional engineering competency, a Trustee and the Trustee Board need to have good skills and experience in financial management, auditing and risk mitigation as well as communications skills to support the decision-making processes of the Institution that help us achieve our aims and objectives.
In both my terms of office as President, having a strong working knowledge of the Institution’s by-laws has been essential. In addition, the Charity Commission provides excellent guidance in its publication "The Essential Trustee: What You Need To Know, What You Need To Do", this is a recommended read for anyone considering election to the Trustee Board.
As we have experienced recently, it is not always possible to please all of the people all of the time. We are also exposed to confidential information that influences our decisions and yet clearly we cannot share it to explain why. The key for me is that we remain a democracy; our strength is that within our charitable aims we are a members-led organisation. The power of people is through the ballot box if they feel that at any time they want to see change.
Annual election to Trustee Board
In early April, Fellows and Members will receive voting papers for you to choose whom you wish to support for election to the Trustee Board and Council, with results being announced at the annual general meeting.
Making decisions as a Trustee
“Trustees make decisions about the Institution together, working as a team,” says Helena Rivers, who became a Trustee in 2017. “Decisions are normally made at formal meetings of the trustee board which happen eight times a year. When we make decisions about the Institution, it’s important to consider are we:
- acting within our elected powers
- acting in good faith and only in the interests of the Institution
- making sure we are sufficiently informed, taking any advice that we need before reaching a decision
- taking account of all relevant factors we are aware of and ignoring irrelevant factors
- dealing with conflicts of interest
- making decisions that are within the range of decisions that a reasonable rustee body could make in the circumstances.
“We always make sure our minutes are formally recorded, and how we made more significant decisions in case we need to review or explain them in the future.”
“Reaching consensus as a Trustee Board isn’t always easy,” says Phil Peel, who is also a vice-president and chairs the Finance Board. “So it’s important to listen to each other and respect the opinions of others, always placing the objectives of the Institution at the forefront of any outcome.”
Fit for the 21st century
It is essential we continue our mission to ‘improve the world through engineering’, but in doing so we must ensure that Members can contribute their time and skills to the running and governance of this great organisation. While we are very focused on our legal and financial responsibilities as Trustees, we must also think creatively and strategically to enable us to lead our Institution through its next 175 years. I and fellow Trustees encourage any member who feels they have what it takes to fulfil these rigorous requirements to consider this great opportunity.
What’s next
Fellows or Members who wish to put their name forward for election to vacant places on the Trustee Board or Council should submit their nomination. The closing date for receipt is the Ordinary Meeting. If you would like to take up the opportunity to become a Trustee then please contact the Governance Department, who can advise you on the nomination process that you need to follow.