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Thomas Middleditch
Deputy Platform Manager, Royal Navy.
Just before Christmas I had a sudden desire to give something back to the engineering community, perhaps a touch of festive spirit, so I got in touch with the Institution to find out more about becoming a Bloodhound
SSC ambassador.
A very helpful lady from the education department got in touch and before too long I was inducted to STEMNET, been issued with a DBS check and was in discussion with Bridgemary School about their planned Year 7 STEM Day. This all happened very quickly such that only a few days after Christmas I found myself contemplating what 11-12 year olds might find exciting. After some pondering and further advice from the Institution and STEMNET, I decided that an activity based on Bloodhound SSC was an ideal way to get young children excited about engineering.
At the beginning of February this led me to a science classroom, somewhere I have not ventured in nearly 10 years, in front of a class of thirty 11-12 year olds. Not surprisingly I had a slightly anxious moment as I launched into my initial presentation, but something amazing happened, they were genuinely enthused and engaged by Bloodhound SSC including the underlying engineering principles (drag, thrust, aerodynamics, friction etc.). This enthusiasm was then translated into practical Bloodhound SSC balloon cars which were uniquely designed, based on an understanding of engineering principles discussed in the presentation, raced, optimised and even decorated to attract sponsors.
I found the whole day very rewarding and hopefully the children now have a better idea of the exciting career opportunities that studying STEM subjects and particularly engineering can unlock. I plan to continue my engagement with Bridgemary School through their STEM Club which is likely to have freshly bolstered attendance after the success of the STEM Day.
I would like to encourage anyone who is interested in becoming a STEM Ambassador to contact the Institution's volunteer department or STEMNET directly. I would personally like to thank the Institution, STEMNET and Bridgemary School for giving me this opportunity.
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