What inspired you to pursue a career in engineering?
In my family no one has completed school before me. My parents are hawkers in Ahmedabad, India selling healthy juices every morning. Initially, it was due to our financial situation, but now they enjoy their job and care about the health of the local people.
They are inspiration for me, and have shown me that with hard work, effort and with good intentions you will achieve the things you wish for. They have always encouraged me to learn something new. I was always wondering how things worked and how to make them more efficient. That is how my love for engineering started and I got an admission in Mechanical Engineering in 2009 at the Government Engineering College in Bhavnagar, India.
Tell us about your current role and your journey to getting this job role?
After completing my MEng in 2015, I got a job as an Assistant Professor in an Engineering College. It was my first paid job, and it was great experience in teaching undergraduate students. In 2017, I got my first role working in the engineering industry as a Mechanical Design Engineer at Vee Kay Vikram & Company (VKVC) in Ahmedabad.
In 2018, I joined Arvind Limited working in the Advanced Material Division as a Mechanical Design Engineer. I look after the finite element analysis of components, feasibility of the new design in accordance with the standard documents with material estimation, optimisation of existing design for better strength and performance.
Were you a student member/or Associate member of the Institution? If so, how did this benefit you?
Being an IMechE member, feels like having a family around me. I joined IMechE in 2018 as an Associate Member with a view to becoming a Chartered Engineer. I received support on improving my CPD, career guidance and the access to the online library is priceless.

Why did you want to become a Chartered Engineer with the Institution?
Being recognised as a Chartered Engineer with such a prestigious organisation is a privilege. I have been able to connect, share experiences and be mentored by an amazing group of people from across the world.
As Chartered Engineer with the Institution, what support and advice, did you get during the application and interview process?
In 2020 I was in contact with Farah Baksh, the IMechE’s Global Relationship Manager, she encouraged me with my application. It was during the first wave of the pandemic, and I was nervous about applying.
She was more confident than I was that I would receive Chartered Engineer status. As I progressed with my application, IMechE mentors and members helped me by proofreading my application and arranging a mock interview to boost my confidence. Being in India, I was worried about the interview process, however the process was very smooth.
Do you think membership with the Institution will help you with your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and how?
My membership allows me to get in touch with members across the world. I can access the library, which has large databases. The webinars and expert talks are encouraging, and I am always able to learn new things and getting myself updated. For every competency, the IMechE has the resources and tools to help me monitor and update my CPD.
Have you used/or do you intend to use any of the number of member benefits that are open to you and how e.g. training, events, library, meeting other members?
I have used the library and archives, the collections and databases are amazing. I have met a number of members across the world through the IMechE. The numerous online events have helped with my knowledge of recent advancements in the engineering field and my CPD.
Do you think being a Chartered Engineer will help you in your career and how?
Yes, definitely. My Chartered Engineer status has helped me to connect with the people across the globe. Professional recognition and the ability to demonstrate my skills are major benefits of being Chartered for me. Being a Chartered Engineer has increased my confidence to work on new projects. I am now open to more challenging tasks with new technology and to make further advancements in engineering.
What has been your greatest education/career achievement so far and what are your future career goals?
My Chartered Engineer status is my greatest achievement so far. I am looking for more challenges to demonstrate my ability as a Chartered Engineer. I like work that increases positive vibes and makes changes to the global engineering community. In the future, I want to undertake doctoral research work that produces positive change in society. I am looking for a challenging position in a global company where I can use my skills and enhance my capabilities.
What advice would you give younger engineers following in your footsteps?
I would say never stop learning. There may be difficult situations and obstacles. It is never too late to start something new. Everyone has a different story and you have your own, it is up to you how you change your story. Engineering is about making a change in society, and you can always make a difference.
Find out more about becoming a
Chartered Engineer.