How we've helped

Here you’ll find the personal accounts of a few of the people we’ve worked with.

These give an idea of the range of situations where individuals seek help, as well as the very real difference Support Network intervention has made to people’s lives.

The names and details in these accounts have been altered to preserve confidentiality. And though the photographs all show people who we have helped, they may not match the individual account.
  • fosterBrian Foster

    At 29, Brian Foster was involved in a serious road traffic accident, suffering serious head injuries that left him permanently blind.

    Find out how we helped Brian

  • baileyJennifer Bailey

    Jennifer Bailey turned to the Fund when all other funding avenues appeared to be closed. Her severely disabled teenage daughter needed her own bedroom with a hoist to transfer her from her wheelchair to the bed.

    Find out how we helped Jennifer

  • hughesTim Hughes

    Tim Hughes injured his shoulder and elbow while on an adventure holiday with friends. During a subsequent medical examination, doctors discovered a tumour...

    Find out how we helped Tim

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