ADHD support


We understand the challenges ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) can cause and can provide support to you, and other Institution members, as well as to your family if they have ADHD-related needs.
ADHD was only recognised in the UK in 2000 for children and for adults in 2008.  The impact of ADHD differs with age reflecting both the changing maturity of the individual and the changing circumstances and expectations on them. As they mature an individual may be better able to cope but they may continue to struggle due to the increased behavioural expectations on them.
Research from the Lancet and NICE shows that around 5% of children and 3-4% of adults in the UK have ADHD.  
We are looking to expand the support we can offer to members and their families in this area.  At present we can assist with the costs of obtaining formal assessments where NHS waiting lists are long.  


A Company Limited by Guarantee (Company No.130981)
Registered Office: 3 Birdcage Walk, London SW1H 9JJ
Registered Charity No. 209465


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Contact the Support Network team if you have any questions.


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To find out more about our autism support services, email the team.