“There were about six of us on the two-day course; one was from the same company as me, but the others were from different sectors: rail, non-destructive testing and even the IMechE. It was interesting to hear about everyone else’s challenges. In sales, you have things in common, no matter what industry you’re from.
“The instructor, John Hattam, made us very welcome from the onset and ensured everyone felt they could speak up and ask any questions. As it was over two days, we had time to ask a question, collect our thoughts and then re-approach the topic.
“There was a lot of information to take in but I’d done quite a lot of homework and hit the ground running. We covered all manner of different aspects of sales: the trust ladder, communication skills, building rapport, behavioural analysis using DISC (Dominance, influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness) and more.
“DISC really struck a chord with me and I have utilised it since in my day-to-day work. I find myself referring to it and tailoring my approach according to the person in front of me. It really does help me to understand why they are the way they are and how I can support them in a manner that best suits them.
“I feel fortunate because John Hattam is a very, very good instructor. I just thought, ‘This guy really knows what he’s talking about.’ So, over lunch I spent the time to see what further information I could pull from his vast experience.”