Key words

In the focus groups and interviews, there were certain words over and over again, highlighting the importance of these to attendees. The table below shows these words, with the number showing how many times they were used in the seven exercises. You’ll see the similarity between staff and members, with all but 4 words being the same.


Employees: # Members:  #
 Honest  Listen  5
 Listen  4  Honest  5
 Open  3 Open 
 Trust Challenge   3
 Understanding  3  Admit Mistakes
 Admit mistakes  2 Collaborate   2
 Challenge  2  Do the right thing
 Collaborate  2  Empathetic  2
 Do the right thing  2 Polite   2
 Empathetic  2 Respect   2
 Ownership  2 Stand up   2
 Respect  2  Supportive  2
 Supportive  2  Transparent  2
 Transparent  2  Understanding  2

Top values/behaviours

At the end of each session, attendees were asked to share their top 2 - 4 values/behaviours, doing this as a discussion. The table below shows the results, which are very similar to the previous table, with only the addition of words such as respect and integrity, and again, there is consistency between employees and members.

Employees Members
 Respect - 11%  Listen - 10%
 Listen - 8%  Honest - 8%
 Honest - 7%  Respect - 8%
 Integrity - 7% Integrity - 6%
 Trust  Clarity
 Open  Open
 Communicate  Inclusive
 Empower Collaborate 
 Transparency  Trust
 Inclusive  Embrace change


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