Eligibility and fees

You can become an Associate Member if you have any of the following undergraduate qualifications: 

  • Institution-accredited degree
  • UK Engineering degree
  • UK Maths, Physics or other relevant science degree
  • International engineering degree which meets Institution requirements
  • Open University degree of acceptable profile

Membership fees are subsidised during your first few years of membership after graduation to support you on your journey to professional registration. Our subscription year runs from January to December.

Your annual membership fee depends on your age on 1 January 2025. 

2025 Membership Subscription Fees (shown in GBP)

Members aged under 25 years £50
25-26 years £138
27-29 years £214
30 years and over £307

Application fee: £45

View our subscription fees in India.

Limited Time Offer - save 45 GBP! 
For a limited time, we’re waiving the application fee for all Student Affiliate Members who upgrade to Associate membership.* It normally costs 45 GBP to apply to become an Associate Member, but we are waiving the application fee for existing Student Affiliate Members who are graduating this year. *

The IMechE Qualifications Checker should not be used at this stage, we will inform you about the accreditation of your qualifications as part of the application and election process for Associate membership.

* If you're in the UK: this offer is open until 31 December 2024. 
If you're outside the UK: this offer is open until 28 February 2025. 

Any applications received after these dates will require the fee to be paid, so act quickly.


If you have any questions about upgrading to Associate membership, we'd like to hear from you.