Derek George Astridge Safety in Aerospace Award

Awarded for the best paper or to a person or persons considered to have made a useful contribution to technology relating to safety in aerospace, including the widening of professional and public awareness of such technology.


  • Open to members and non-members, worldwide.

Value of award

  • Medal presented to winner.

Application process

Closing date: 18 March 2025.

Nominations can be made either by the IMechE Aerospace Division or by an individual or team (self-nomination), explaining how this person/team have made a useful contribution to technology relating to safety in aerospace, including the widening of professional and public awareness of such technology. Typically, the contribution would be a paper published in a reputable journal in the previous year (e.g., Proc. IMechE Part G or comparable journals), other forms of contribution will be considered. The citation should be no more than 300 words.

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Derek George Astridge

Derek George Astridge was an engineer of international repute, he joined Westland from Rolls-Royce Engines in 1975 and he contributed much to their engine bearing technology and was instrumental in establishing a Mechanical Engineering Research Department there. He was a former Chairman of and member of the Transmissions Technical Activity Committee of the Aerospace Division.

Further information

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