Candidates for this award have demonstrated that they 'value difference'. They recognise that innovation is stimulated by embracing diversity, by listening to and respecting the perspective of others, and by constructive engagement and dialogue.
The definition for this award is intentionally broad, to allow for a wider pool of potential candidates, who in the widest remit, will have approached these attributes in a variety of situations.
Verena Holmes joined the Institution as the first female member in 1924 representing a welcome breakthrough for equal rights in early 20th century Britain, and a significant moment in the Institution's history.
Previously known as the Equality and Diversity Award, the award is intended to recognise those individuals who have achieved by undertaking a unique challenge or experience, perhaps to benefit people from groups with different needs, or with a past record of disadvantage or low participation. They have stretched the normal boundaries of expectation for the benefit of the wider society. Embarking upon this approach often requires persistence and courage, which may also be attributes demonstrated by candidates for this award.
Closing date: 30 April 2025.
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