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Aerospace Division: How we are governed
Airworthiness Committee
Airworthiness Committee
Airworthiness Committee provides a focus for discussion of military and civil airworthiness issues, contributing to the purpose of IMechE.
What we do
Promote a greater awareness of and interest in military and civil airworthiness.
Identify and discuss airworthiness and safety issues and arrange events on appropriate subjects
Contribute airworthiness input to other TACs and Groups
Provide seminars to universities and students.
Be the Institution’s focus for airworthiness
Provide a forum to debate airworthiness issues to identify the need for action and further activity
Maintain links with other Groups and TACs within the Institution, and with other professional bodies with similar interests
Encourage interest in airworthiness amongst engineering students
Contribute to the spread of best practice
Act as a network of experienced airworthiness professionals from industry, the military and academia.
Airworthiness Committee Board
Anthony Harris - Chair
Derick Chatten
Andrew Corbett
Richard Humble
Charlotte Sellers
Matthew Smith
Andrew Tomlinson
Hang Zhou
Get in touch
Have a question or would like to get involved?
Contact our Governance and Engagement Team:
+44 (0)20 7304 6996
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