Useful Power Industries web links

Useful power industries web links evaluated and selected by a network of subject specialists are listed below: 

American Gas Association 
US energy trade association. Website includes news and statistics.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - Power Division 
Website includes sections on publications, codes & standards, education events and careers.

Association of Manufacturers of Power Generating Systems (AMPS) 
UK trade association.

British Standards Institution (BSI) 
UK standards and quality services organisation.

Energy Institute 
International (UK based) professional body for energy industries.

Energy Networks Association
Trade association for the UK gas and electricity transmission and distribution industry.

Energy UK 
Trade association for the UK energy industry.

Industrial Maintenance and Plant Operation 
Includes buyer's guide and product directory.

Institution of Chemical Engineers 
International (UK based) professional association.

Institution of Diesel and Gas Turbine Engineers 
Independent UK professional body serving the diesel and gas turbine industry.

Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers 
Independent UK body for the gas industry.

International Energy Agency
Intergovernmental organisation providing research and energy policy recommendations.

Nuclear Institute 
UK professional institute and learned society for the nuclear industry.

Offshore Energies UK
Trade association for the United Kingdom offshore energies industry.

Renewable Energy Association
UK trade association for renewable energy.

The Renewable Energy Directory 
Lists details of renewable energy system installers and companies.

Trade body for the UK wind and marine renewables industries.

REUK - Renewable Energy UK 
Directory of renewable energy installers and companies.

Solar Energy UK
UK trade association for the solar energy industry.

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