Fusion energy companies from around the world welcomed the NIF breakthrough, covered in "What the latest nuclear fusion breakthrough means for engineers".
Here is what some of the key players said:
“This is a watershed moment for inertial fusion as a power generation technology. Gain has long been the measure of success, the objective that shows the core physics has been cracked. The physics path from this result to power production is very clear and significantly de-risked.”
Nick Hawker, co-founder and CEO of First Light Fusion.
First Light’s approach is a form of inertial confinement fusion using a projectile instead of a laser.
“This is a truly historic moment, not only for the NIF team, but for the entire field of fusion research. The energy gain moves the dream of limitless, clean energy a lot closer. The question now is not if laser-based fusion can deliver energy, but how fast.”
Dr Georg Korn, chief technology officer at Marvel Fusion.
Marvel Fusion is developing a laser-based fusion technology for commercial power plants.
“This marks the dawn of the fusion age. It’s a crucial step that validates a theory and bolsters our growing field of work in fusion energy. As we reach an inflection point for research and gain vital support, we are primed to invent a reality powered by commercial fusion energy.”
Michl Binderbauer, CEO of TAE Technologies.
TAE’s approach combines accelerator and plasma physics to solve the challenge of magnetic confinement.
“This is proof that energy from laser fusion is possible. We like to compare this to the first controlled flight by the Wright Brothers. While still there is the need for improved efficiency and higher gain, the underlying concept is now verified.”
Professor Markus Roth, co-founder and chief science officer of
Focused Energy.
Focused Energy believes a direct-drive target using laser light and the concept of cone-guided proton fast ignition is the most reliable option for commercialising fusion energy.
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