Institution news

2021 Design Challenge update: fully virtual regional finals

Institution News Team

2021 Design Challenge flowchart
2021 Design Challenge flowchart

The Institution has carefully discussed, considered and prepared a number of contingencies for the 2021 Design Challenge in the eventuality of continued Covid restrictions.

Full details of the contingency plans are outlined in the Design Challenge 1st and 2nd Year - COVID-19 Amendments 2021 document which can also be found in the Challenge's Team Document library.

The Institution’s overriding aim remains to continue to grow and develop the Design Challenge and offer a full programme for 1st and 2nd Year university students. The 2021 competition has been adapted to offer the participating IMechE regions the flexibility to discuss and agree with their local participating universities which route might be the best way forward. As we have recently entered another national lockdown, options for fully virtual Regional Finals will need to be pursued and each region to respectively agree with local participants the intended format of their Regional Finals. The virtual options are detailed below:

1. Virtual Route A:

  • Design, build & test a device to compete with other teams using the IMechE Design Challenge simulation app (more details below)
  • Produce and submit a poster digitally
  • Provide a live presentation & answer questions

2. Virtual Route B:

  • Produce and submit a poster digitally
  • Provide an extended live presentation & answer questions     
The Design Challenge Simulation app will simulate performance based on the physical characteristics of a device and will allow teams to compete in the 2021 Design Challenge with a virtual model of their device. The bespoke app is currently being finalised and will be freely available to all participating teams by the end of January 2021. The app will be used to help teams aid development of their designs and made available ahead of the Regional Finals. At the Regional Finals, teams will compete live against each other in a virtual race. 
Registrations will be opening for two weeks in February (1-15 February 2021) to allow any teams who were unable to register in November 2020 to do so.

Finally, it is the Institution's intention to organise physical National Finals later in the year, although this will depend on circumstances and government guidelines in the run up to October.

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