
3 Big Questions: Tony Edwards


Tony Edwards
Tony Edwards

Vice-president of the UK National Defence Association

What will happen to the defence sector under the new government?

“ The new Prime Minister could decide to continue with our interventionist foreign policies, fighting alongside the US, but then we must fund them adequately. This would have to involve repairing the damage from over-stretch, and filling the equipment gap. Or he could decide to lower our profile in the world: as we withdraw from Iran/Afghanistan we would revert to being an interesting little island somewhere off Europe.

How much funding should defence receive?

“ Defence has suffered from being the lowest funding priority of any major government department since 1997 and already is slipping into the second division. Major restructuring and rebalancing of the MoD, the armed forces and the equipment plan will be required. The intent must be to render the ministry more manageable and cost-effective. Britain punches above its weight. But Britain is also punching above its budget – and it can no longer continue to do so.

How important is defence to engineering?

“ Defence and aerospace are the last of the UK’s traditional engineering-based industries which are still world-class.


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