To make sure you are, attend the Sustainability in Engineering webinar series from Professional Engineering and IMechE (25-29 September). Register for free now to learn how to make your processes more sustainable, and help build a cleaner, greener tomorrow.
Here are six reasons to attend – one from each of the expert-led sessions.
1. Learn how to create greener parts
Monday 25 September, 12.30pm
Speaker: Samuel Guest, associate product manager EMEA – injection moulding, Protolabs
Choosing the most sustainable path for your part or product is not easy, with several occasionally contradictory factors to consider. In this webinar, Protolabs will take you through the process of creating greener parts throughout the product lifecycle – from design to feedback, manufacture to end of life.
2. Design more sustainable products using simulation
Monday 25 September, 2pm
Speaker: Pepi Maksimovic, director of application engineering, Ansys
When it comes to improving sustainability of products, environmental impact must be considered across their entire lifecycle – beginning with the design phase, to manufacturing, shipping, field operations, and ultimately end-of-life. Using simulation, you can identify all the opportunities to reduce any negative environmental footprint.
3. Use rapid prototyping to boost sustainability
Tuesday 26 September, 11am
Speaker: Charlotte-Anne Smith, application engineer, Northern Europe, Protolabs
In this webinar, Protolabs will discuss how 3D printing, CNC machining and injection moulding can be used to create more sustainable prototypes. Analysing the pros and cons for each service line, they will explore three key considerations – material usage, geometry and choosing the right supplier.
4. Learn how to cut your carbon footprint and reduce the cost of running your factory’s compressed air system
Tuesday 26 September, 12.30pm
Speaker: Oliver Kent, product marketing manager, Atlas Copco
Join Oliver to understand how to use your compressed air systems more effectively, including steps to reduce the running costs of your existing compressed air system and how to achieve the best running cost when investing in new compressed air equipment.
5. Use eco-designs for transformative change
Wednesday 27 Sept, 11am
Speaker: Dragos Dascalu, sustainability lead industry process consultant, Northern Europe, Dassault Systèmes
Discover how Dassault Systèmes is working on the development of large-scale, responsible design practices and tools that will lead to an inclusive and just treatment of living beings, artefacts and materials. Discover the current toolset of design and engineering tools that will help transform industrial designs from simply optimising mass-produced products, to tackling large societal challenges.
6. Re-engineer for sustainability
Thursday 28 September, 12.30pm
Speaker: Tom Festa, director, Recharged Heritage Limited and IMechE trainer
This webinar will review some of the barriers (real and perceived) that prevent engineers addressing sustainability issues in their daily work. The session will also introduce some case studies, which can be more deeply followed by attending IMechE L&D courses.
Don’t miss these expert sessions – register for free today.
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