Institution news

60 seconds with...Jamie Davies, Health and Safety Executive

Institution News Team

The HSE's technical lead for lifting shares the biggest issue facing engineers involved in these projects.

Jamie will be returning to provide the regulator's perspective and guidance for lifting projects at Crane Safety 2024; for full details and to book please visit the event website.

Please could you briefly explain your role, involvement, and experience with regards to the Lifting and Crane industry and this event?

Jamie Davies (JD): I am a Principal Specialist Inspector, specializing in Mechanical Engineering for the HSE. I have been with HSE since 2004 and have the technical lead for lifting equipment since 2016. I investigate incidents involving plant and machinery as well as proactively work with the lifting industry to improve health and safety.

What, in your experience, has been the biggest roadblock for the industry over the past 2-3 years?

JD: For me the biggest block is the lack of understanding why lifting plans are needed and that they are meant to ensure lifting operations are carried out safely rather than its just paperwork that needs completing.

What key topics are you excited to discuss at this year's conference?

JD: Continuing to improve the safety in the industry, which is on the whole very good in the wider context of workplace safety.

What would you say are the areas of innovation across the UK lifting and crane industry?

JD: Taking people out of a lifting operation by using remote systems to move loads and or view them to prevent people getting near heavy loads that are not influenced much by a person pulling on a tag line.

Who else are you most interested in hearing from on the programme?

JD: Anything new and innovative is always greatly received.

Why is it important for engineers to join this conference?

JD: If you are involved in lifting at any level then if nothing else you should take away that equipment and personnel are essential to any lifting operation.

This year's Crane Safety technical event will return to One Birdcage Walk on 15 October 2024

Now in its eighth iteration, the event addresses the key challenges of safety, risk and compliance to inform and support all those involved in lifting projects.

Join to meet and hear from Health & Safety Executive, Liftra, Align JV, Metswift, Mamoet, Sir Robert McAlpine, Terex Cranes, and more; for the full agenda and to book your place please visit the event website.

Plus: access all the presentations at the co-located Sustainable and Decarbonised Construction event, taking place at the same time. Bring your colleagues and maximise the learning and networking at our technical events.


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