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For more information about the Advanced Nuclear Reactor Design seminar and to book your place, please visit the event website.
Please briefly explain your role, involvement and experience with regards to nuclear and nuclear new-build
Nic Marrs (NM): I’ve spent over 20 years in the nuclear industry, supporting both civil nuclear and naval nuclear projects. More recently, I’ve become involved in supporting advanced nuclear projects, both providing consultancy services myself and also overseeing the efforts of colleagues in providing similar services.
What is the top challenge facing the industry at present?
NM: Finding the right people to do the work!
How would you say the industry has evolved over the past two years?
NM: When I started in the nuclear industry, it always seemed that “innovation” was a dirty word. More recently, the attitude has shifted, recognising that novel technologies do have a place in the industry.
What developments are going on in your industry which will change your approach in the future?
NM: As advanced nuclear projects develop, I’ll keep an open mind as to new technologies which could be used on projects I’m supporting.
What will you be presenting at the Advanced Nuclear Reactor 2022 seminar and how will this benefit participants?
NM: I’m going to be talking about skills, capabilities and most importantly the people who have them. How we can attract graduates to the industry, how to bring apply knowledge and innovative skills (and the people how have them) to the nuclear industry.
Which other speakers and presentations are you looking forward to hearing at the forthcoming seminar?
NM: It may be a cliché, but the honest answer is “all of them!”
Why is it important for engineers and nuclear industry representatives to come together and share best practice?
NM: I’ve often found in the nuclear industry that the similar engineering challenges arise in many different communities within the industry. So its useful and important for us to come together to share best practise and share how we’ve overcome these challenges. This is of benefit to us, and also to the wider community, firstly to ensure that nuclear safety is maintained, but also to minimise the burden on the tax payer!