Institution news

Academic Standards accreditation visit to Singapore Institute of Technology

World Bulletin Team

UK-based Academic Standards Committee members visit Nanyang Polytechnic in Singapore and meet with the local Singapore Branch committee

This February saw a panel of members from the Institution’s Academic Standards Committee, all of whom are normally based in the UK, travel to Singapore to review a selection of Newcastle University’s academic programmes currently delivered at Nanyang Polytechnic under the auspices of Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT).

The purpose of this meeting was to consider awarding accreditation to the BEng (Hons) Mechanical Design with Manufacturing Engineering as delivered by local Newcastle University staff and Nanyang Polytechnic staff. The Committee members who were in attendance at this two day accreditation meeting were Dr John Tan, Dr Daphne O’Doherty and Dr Carl White, all of whom were tasked with reviewing the content, assessment and facilities at the polytechnic and meeting with staff and students. HQ staff member, Sophie Williams was also in attendance to support the work of the panel and provide useful information concerning IMechE matters.

As part of this visit Sophie and the panel members had the pleasure of meeting the local Singapore Branch committee who hosted them for a dinner at the Raffles Club House. The panel joined the end of their pre-AGM meeting and discussed various IMechE related issues and then enjoyed a Chinese New Year dinner, the highlight of which was the traditional Lo Hei Yusheng – a salad representing the good wishes and hopes of all at the table.

The decision of the Academic Standards Committee to award accreditation to this programme will be made once a report on the visit has been accepted and reviewed.

All information about academic requirements for professional registration and the degrees currently accredited by the Institution can be found at:



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