
Airbus develops flat-packed cockpit


French engineer develops wooden mock-ups for R&D


Airbus has announced its latest pioneering technology - not robotic workers, self-healing composites or advanced avionics, but flat-packed wooden cockpit kits engineers can use for research and development.

The European aircraft maker has revealed that the cockpit mock-up, initially built by systems designer Raphael Andre, has proved so useful that it has been adopted by supply chain companies and several more are to be produced.

Although the cockpit is one of the aircraft's most intensively technical areas, the inexpensive and easily-available mock-up has proved “extremely useful” for early testing of ideas, said the company.

Andre came up with the flat-pack idea while working on cockpit-related research and technology and shopping at Ikea. He said: “After a trip to look at some furniture, it occurred to me that a simple-to-construct, wooden version of a cockpit would do the job very well.”

After the shopping trip Andre designed a version of the cockpit that slots together without the need for any fixings or tools. Dassault Systeme's 3D modelling software package Catia was then used to detail the design. A cardboard version of the cockpit mockup was first produced, followed by the full-sized wooden prototype.

The mock-up has been designed to be easy to put together and transportable

The prototype was ready in just a few days and quickly went into use. An engineer working with automotive manufacturer Continental noticed the kit and saw it would be suitable for use in research looking at the application of automotive safety systems in aviation.

Werner De Rammelaere, an Airbus innovation engineer who works in Emerging Technologies and Concepts, said: “They had been doing research into safety systems that monitor drivers, and we've been working with them to explore possible applications. Continental wanted to use mock-ups and simulators, but there is huge demand on these, so I suggested that they drive over and pick up a cockpit kit instead.”

The kit met all of Continental's requirements, so the team had to make another prototype for themselves. Further use in aircraft development projects is anticipated. Andre added: “We've already had some interest from colleagues in A320 development and there are ergonomic applications too, so we might need more.”


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