Readers letters

Alternative calendars


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As far as I am concerned you should keep religious considerations out of our magazine

I am a little worried that a practical engineer would be worried about the use of BCE - before common era, by Laura gardener.

John Marchbank (letters PE October 2012) would seem to want the use of AD and to remind readers of Christian beliefs.

Surely we can be "politically correct" to the extent of recognising the existence of other faiths.

May I mention two alternative calendars?

The Hebrew calendar starts around 3761 BCE and Hindus calculate from 3102 BCE.

Most accept that the common era calendar is better, however we could use the date now of 5773 A.M. (Hebrew) or 5114.

And the Hebrews do not believe the Christ has come yet so to be polite we should say before Jesus, not before Christ.

So I am please the October Archive by Rhonda Grantham uses BCE.

Sir, as far as I am concerned you should keep religious considerations out of our magazine.

Jack Moore, Sorrento Australia

Next letter: Energy storage


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