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Boosting our Global Reach – An overview of IMechE’s International Extravaganza

Institution News Team

The week commencing 12 September provided an occasion to reflect on and celebrate the many achievements of the IMechE over the past 175 years and at the same time, work together in shaping the role and direction of the Institution.

We welcomed the International Strategy Board, the International Young Members Committee, and the finalists from the Speak Out for Engineering competition attend One Birdcage Walk for a week of meetings, events, and activities. It enabled us to reconnect in person, share ideas and experiences together, and make a reality of our vision, to “Improve the world through engineering.”

The week was kicked off with an International Young Members Committee Meeting and International Strategy Board Meeting. These two meetings were then combined to discuss the important topic of education policy outreach, which was led by Jelena Gacesa, Education Outreach & Safeguarding Lead and Lydia Amarquaye, Professional Development & Education Policy Advisor. In this meeting, they gave an introduction to education in the UK and tried to get a better understanding of education internationally. There was plenty to discuss and the meeting gave an insight into how the UK and International members can work together in the future.

The following day, our International Young Members and Speak Out for Engineering finalists were taken on a library tour in One Birdcage Walk. Detailing a brief history of the Institution, IMechE Archivist, Lucy Bonner, told stories of our previous presidents, and more, just before Head of Information and Library Services, Sarah Rogers, explained how to use the library online service.

After the library tour, we went to the Old Oak Common Depot, where we were taken on a tour around the Elizabeth Line by Fleet Delivery Manager, and Chair of Young Members Railway Division, David Pearce. Before we were taken on the tour, we were given a presentation on the history of the depot and had a look at the Elizabeth Depot timeline, starting from February 2011, to 2018 when it opened.

On Friday, we hosted the Speak Out for Engineering (SOfE) Global Final at One Birdcage Walk where seven participants presented their ideas. SOfE challenges young engineers to prove that they can communicate effectively, with verbal and visual communication in describing and explaining technical subjects. The winner of the competition was Benjamin Ong Kuan Liang, representing South East Asia. Benjamin brought his charismatic charm to his presentation on travelling to Mars but won the judges over with his engineering intellect.

Project M.A.R.S. (Mars as Relocation Sanctuary, which is fictional), aims to have Mars as a safe haven outside of Earth for the survival of human beings in case Earth becomes inhabitable. Runner up was Subbiksha Sugumar, who represented the Middle East and Africa region.

The final day of the International Extravaganza saw the Young Members, Phil Peel, Alice Bunn, and Jo Horton come together to discuss strategy, and what the Institution can do to help.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the International Extravaganza. It was a week full of networking, activities, and meetings with members from across the globe. One of President Phil Peel’s priorities for his year in office will be to boost our global reach and this week gave everyone the opportunity to do so.


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