Institution news

Congratulations to Alexandra Keeler MIMechE for receiving the Baroness Platt of Writtle Award

Institution News Team

Alexandra Keeler
Alexandra Keeler

The Baroness Platt of Writtle Award is presented to the most outstanding individual registered as an Incorporated Engineer each year.

As an Overhead Line Design Engineer for Amey, Alexandra manages three individuals and mentors two more, which she finds rewarding. In her role, she designs the mechanical system that holds the overhead line in place; this includes the wire itself, the equipment directly attached and the large steelwork; ensuring the pantograph remains in contact with the wire to ensure power is successfully delivered to the train.

By registering as an Incorporated Engineer, Alexandra has been given new opportunities such as discussing her registration process and helping others with their applications, and it allows her to represent her ability to be a design engineer.

Alexandra is also a registered STEM Ambassador and took part in the first Stemazing Inspiration Academy workshops, which the Institution supports, she says; “This opportunity enabled me to be a role model for STEM which I am passionate about, improve my presentation skills and engage with individuals across technical and company boundaries.”

In five years’ time, Alexandra hopes to continue to promote her discipline and the railway sector to encourage the next generation to pursue STEM careers. We look forward to seeing what she does next!

Find out more here.


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