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Driverless cars could cut traffic delays by 40%


Computer modelling by government suggests benefits increase as the number of automated vehicles increases

Driverless cars could significantly reduce traffic delays, according to a study conducted by the Department for Transport (DfT).

The project used computer software to create virtual models of different parts of the UK road network, including urban roads and a 20km motorway section.

Delays and traffic flow were all shown to improve as the proportion of automated vehicles increased.

The study demonstrated that driverless cars offer potential benefits when the proportion of autonomous vehicles on the road is higher than the proportion of older, more traditional vehicles.

John Hayes, transport minister, said: “This extensive study shows that driverless cars could vastly improve the flow of traffic in our towns and cities, offering benefits to motorists, including reduced delays and more reliable journey times.

“Driverless cars are just one example of technology that could transform the way we travel in the future, particularly in providing opportunities for those with reduced mobility. This study reinforces our belief that these technologies offer benefits and this government will support their research.”

The study examined different scenarios, including the level of automation, the proportion of vehicles equipped with the technology and different automated driving styles.

The main findings of the report suggested that benefits were relatively small on roads where traditional vehicles outnumbered automated vehicles, but increased as the percentage of driverless cars on the roads increased. When measuring peak traffic periods with up to 100% of driverless vehicles the journey times reduced by more than 11% and delays were cut by more than 40%.

The report also found that benefits are seen in peak traffic periods even with low levels of automated vehicles on urban roads, such as a 12% improvement in delays and a 21% improvement in journey time reliability.

The DfT along with the Centre for Connected Autonomous Vehicles has proposed to extend compulsory motor insurance to include the use of automated vehicles, which would cover both the driver’s use of the vehicle and the driverless vehicle technology itself.

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