Readers letters

Euston's congestion solution


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There could be considerable benefit gained by some comparatively cheap line re-opening

The article in the June edition of PE on Euston capacity presented a credible analysis of the congestion problems that Euston is predicted to face in the future. 

However, many of the passengers arriving at Euston wish to travel further, typically to towns in the southeast and, because of the current poor connectivity with other lines (West Coast, Midland Main Line, East Coast) north of London, they have little alternative.

There could be considerable benefit gained by some comparatively cheap line re-opening to help alleviate this problem. The currently disused 21mile line between Northampton and Bedford via Olney abandoned in 1962 could be restored and, if electrified, give connectivity between the West Coast Main Line and the Midland Main Line. This would give direct rail access via Thameslink between the WCML at Northampton and St. Pancras (for Eurostar), Farringdon (for Cross-Rail), and south eastern destinations all avoiding Euston.

If the Oxford/Cambridge line reopening proposals come to fruition, further access between WCML, ECML and Cambridge via Bedford would be a further bonus.

Most of the trackbed between Northampton and Bedford remains, although a deviation around Olney would be necessary, but the whole scheme would still be comparatively cheap with considerable connectivity benefits for the rail network and passenger convenience. The Thameslink franchise could be extended north from Bedford to Northampton or alternatively London Midland services extended south.

Surely this proposal is worthy of further analysis as a partial solution to the Euston congestion problem?

Terry Holt, Sutton Bonington

Next letter: Gathering in the harvest


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