Engineering news

Goodyear to close UK tyre plant


Unions fear all 330 workers at the Wolverhampton site will lose their jobs

Tyre company Goodyear has announced plans to close its only UK manufacturing plant, in Wolverhampton, with the loss of hundreds of jobs.

Unions fear all 330 workers at the Wolverhampton site will lose their jobs.

The US-owned company plans to transfer the site's operations elsewhere, saying the move would "strengthen its competitiveness" in the face of a "challenging" business environment.

A Goodyear statement said: "These proposals are subject to consultation with relevant employee representative bodies. GDTUK (Goodyear) said it is determined to find responsible and fair solutions for all affected employees.

"The company said the proposed actions are needed to help strengthen its competitiveness in the face of a challenging business environment, increased competition and currency headwinds. They would enable the company to align production capacity with market demand, decrease complexity and reduce structural costs in its manufacturing operations.

"The company will also improve efficiency by locating mixing operations at its tyre production plants across the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region.

"Under these proposals, Wolverhampton's compound mixing activities and production of commercial retreaded tyres would be transferred to existing production plants across EMEA."

Gerard Coyne, Unite's regional secretary for the West Midlands, said: "It is disgraceful that Goodyear did not have the good grace to tell the workforce first and instead workers found out that they could be out of a job through the local media.

"It is a contemptible way to treat a loyal workforce. Hundreds of families will be now facing uncertainty and we will do everything we can to support them and the community in fighting for jobs and their futures," he added.


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