Institution news
IMechE’s engagement moved solely online meaning we were able to reach a wider audience and interact with members all over the world. We hosted 174 virtual events with 23,438 attendees, and over 130 virtual committee meetings totalling up to over 500 hours!
We saw the launch of our brand-new Instagram account this year reaching over 1,500 followers within the space of a few months. Alongside with our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn pages, our engagement with our followers has increased massively over the year as we have had to focus on using these channels as the focus point for our communication.

Microsoft Teams took over our day-to-day lives, when we first introduced the communication tool earlier this year, we never thought we would rely on it as much as we have had to. An incredible 198 Committee Teams have been rolled out this year, making it our main point of communication within the Institution.
Every event, competition and challenge had to move online, and we had to figure out how to successfully host ceremonies virtually. Our competitions and challenges are a great way for students and apprentices to get hands-on experience and build relationships with companies. With more than 75 teams in attendance and over 2,050 participants overall, this year did not disappoint. We saw entries from countries that have never participated before, and hopefully this gives them the encouragement to continue representing their country in our future challenges.

Whilst we all spent most of the year staying indoors and many parents had to take on home schooling, we launched our STEM at Home collection hoping to encourage children to take part in fun, educational activities. There have been 5,005 views of the STEM videos, 790 downloads of the STEM activities and an exceptional 10,091 visits to the STEM at Home page. We hope to see more parents, teachers and children using our resources throughout next year.

We our sending out a huge thank you to all colleagues and members of the Institution who have worked hard throughout this year. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2021!