Institution news

IMechE Argyll Ruane opens NDT Training School in Scotland

Institution News Team

Deborah Wright, Office Manager at Fife, Past President Joe McGeogh and CEO Alice Bunn
Deborah Wright, Office Manager at Fife, Past President Joe McGeogh and CEO Alice Bunn

IMechE Argyll Ruane has opened a non-destructive testing training school in Fife to offer services to sectors including manufacturing, marine and defence industries that depend on skilled, certified NDT technicians.

The closure of the NDT school at Fife College in 2020 after more than 30 years in operation, left central Scotland without an NDT training school until IMechE Argyll Ruane stepped in to save the jobs of the training staff and commit to establishing a new school.

IMechE Argyll Ruane, one of the UK’s largest NDT training businesses, is owned by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

Chris Kirby, IMechE Argyll Ruane General Manager, said:

“This has been a major investment in the current climate, but the IMechE felt it was important to support the Scottish NDT sector. Our new colleagues have worked hard to create an excellent training centre and continue to offer the friendly and efficient service that Fife College was known for, with the benefit of now being able to provide a significantly expanded service that includes advanced methods and Level 3 training and consultancy,”

Based in Dunfermline, IMechE Fife NDT opened in July 2021 and offers a full range of training courses. It is also the first training school in Scotland to offer the advanced courses of Eddy Current, Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing and Time of Flight Diffraction.

IMechE Chief Executive Dr Alice Bunn, who attended an open day at the new school, said:

“IMechE Fife NDT can become one of the jewels in the Institution’s crown. In our work developing our future strategy, pride and prestige, impact and financial resilience are all important themes for the Institution and IMechE Fife NDT exemplifies all of these,”

The two open days showcased the new facility and the training capabilities. They were attended by customers, staff and a number of NDT instrumentation manufacturers across all disciplines who exhibited their latest products.


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