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IMechE establishes collaborative partnership with JCB India

Institution News Team

Building upon an established relationship with JCB UK, IMechE has just partnered with JCB India to strengthen the professional development of their employees through membership and training.

For the past 4 years, IMechE Learning & Development (L&D) has been delivering an extremely successful “Product Excellence” programme to JCB engineering, purchasing and commercial employees in the UK. This programme has been designed to embed a culture of world-class best practice as a standard when bringing products to the marketplace, as well as reducing all warrantee issues and costs. On the back of this success, JCB asked IMechE to roll out the programme to JCB India, involving at least 1,500 of their engineering staff.

The programme was launched during a traditional ceremony on 22 August 2022, which was attended both on site, in India, by IMechE India Chair Mr Pradeep Kumar Agrawal CEng FIMechE, IMechE India Treasurer Dr Syrish Raghuyal AMIMechE and IMechE South Asia Young Member Representative Mr Piyush Sethi AMIMechE (pictured below before the ceremony) and virtually by Farah Baksh, IMechE Global Relationship Manager, and Rob Austin-Goodall, IMechE L&D Senior Business Development Manager.

The ceremony started with traditional lighting of candles to bring light and prosperity to the programme. Deepak Shetty (CEO & MD, JCB India Ltd), Sunil Khurana (COO, JCB India Ltd), Phil Layton (EVP, Product Engineering), Umesh Hota (EVP, Human Resource), Nitin Selot (EVP – Finance) and our own Mr Pradeep Kumar Agrawal (IMechE India Chair) were amongst those lighting the candle. The high level attendance of the JCB team is a statement of their commitment and seriousness towards this programme and their drive from the top down to engage with the IMechE.

The ceremony was followed by presentations from Deepak Shetty (CEO & MD, JCB India Ltd) and Phil Layton (EVP, Product Engineering), on site, and Andy Whyman (Group Engineering Director) and Rob Austin-Goodall, remotely.

The support on site from the IMechE India branch was hugely appreciated and reinforced the partnership between IMechE & JCB, having Mr Pradeep Kumar Agrawal (IMechE India Chair) being a prominent participant of the ceremony was hugely significant and showed JCB our commitment to supporting them not only in the UK but throughout the world.

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