Formula Student

IMechE Formula Student and Formula Student Netherlands competitions collaborate to encourage participation at multiple events

Formula Student Team

Organisers of IMechE Formula Student and Formula Student Netherlands competitions will collaborate for the 2019 season to potentially allow teams wishing to compete at both events an advantage in terms of getting through Scrutineering at the UK event.

Scrutineers from both competitions will collaborate on document reviews to improve parity and offer priority scrutineering at both events for teams entering both competitions. This could be particularly beneficial when considering travel arrangements from TT Circuit Assen to Silverstone. Teams who have passed scrutineering at FSN and can demonstrate that no modifications have been made to the chassis between events should also benefit from ‘fast tracked’ scrutineering at the UK competition.

Alex Darvill, Deputy Chief Scrutineer at IMechE Formula Student said “One of the great things about Formula Student is its diversity and we want to encourage teams to compete at as many competitions as they wish to. With FSN taking place immediately prior to our event at Silverstone, it makes absolute sense for us to collaborate in the scrutineering process. It’s important to note that both competitions take safety very seriously, so this is not an opportunity to cheat the system but is certainly an opportunity to gain efficiencies in the process. Teams who pass scrutineering at FSN and then attend the UK event will still need to go through a full set of checks, but this should be much quicker than a normal ‘first scrute’ and will certainly be an opportunity to skip the scrutineering queue. Working with the organisers at FSN is really exciting and we hope this will encourage teams to choose the Netherlands and the UK as part of their summer tour”

Paul Sieljes, Event Manager at Formula Student Netherlands said “Thanks to the intensified collaboration between the European events we were able to avoid a clash in dates between FSN and the UK event like in previous years, with FSN being the first major event on the calendar this year. We’ve spoken to a lot of British teams over the past years that traditionally only visited their home competition and I’m glad that we can finally give them the opportunity to participate in both events. Of course, all teams will benefit from the collaboration if they participate in both events. Safety was and is always our top priority but the scrutineering processes can be more efficient when teams compete in more than one event. 2019 will mark the start of this new approach to Formula Student events in Europe and I hope we can extend our collaboration to other events in the near-future to improve the learning experience for FS teams.”

Teams requiring more information on this subject can contact IMechE Formula Student organisers via or via the FSQD. FSN organisers can be contacted via


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