
IMechE Mechatronics Engineering Student of the Year Finals: The Best Mechatronics Student Projects

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Winner Dani Lipscombe, University of Bath, and runner up Aagnesh Rajan, University of Lincoln, with our sponsors Philip Arber, Global Head of Engineering, Devices, Per Bergfjord, Chief Engineer, Hardware, Elekta Ltd
Winner Dani Lipscombe, University of Bath, and runner up Aagnesh Rajan, University of Lincoln, with our sponsors Philip Arber, Global Head of Engineering, Devices, Per Bergfjord, Chief Engineer, Hardware, Elekta Ltd

The finals of the IMechE Mechatronics Engineering Student of the Year Competition took place on Wednesday 23 October 2024 at IMechE HQ, to find the best graduate student project in the field of mechatronics from a UK university.

The student projects had to demonstrate all key aspects of mechatronics, mechanics, control and their integration to create a working prototype with a practical outcome. Students submitted their projects from universities all over the UK. The judges Jerry Hughes, Philip Moore, Per Bergfjord and Philip Arber commented that the 2 selected finalist were of excellent quality. The 2 candidates provided their presentations and a demonstration of their prototypes to the Mechatronics, Informatics and Control Group (MICG) Board, judges, fellow candidates, their lecturers and guests. The judges selected a winner and a runner up.

We are pleased to announce that the winner was Dani Lipscombe, and the runner up was Aagnesh Rajan. Jerry Hughes, MICG Board member and judge, noted it was a hard decision for the judges as the projects presented were of very high standard. The winner was presented with their £500 prize money, and runner up £250, sponsored by Elekta Ltd, and both participants were presented with a certificate and gifts.

The MICG Board would like to thank Elekta Ltd for kindly sponsoring this competition, without them, this event would not have been possible, in particular Per Bergfjord, Chief Engineer, Hardware. Per is a member of the MICG board, a member of the organising committee for the competition and also a judge. The board also would like to thank Philip Arber, Global Head of Engineering, Devices, Elekta Ltd, for judging the contestants.

Per Bergfjord and Philip Arber from Elekta, a world leader in the design and manufacture of linear accelerators for Radiotherapy, were truly impressed with the projects presented by the finalists. They had employed a structured systems engineering approach and demonstrated implementation of complex technology through to working prototypes. The winning project stood out with its technical ambition and thoroughness of execution but it was clear that both finalists were highly talented engineers who have great careers ahead of them.

Professor Phil Moore, Vice Chair of MICG, commented, both the selected finalist produced very good quality written reports on their respective projects. The projects were very different in nature but contained high quality design and were implemented into high quality working prototypes that were demonstrated. Both the candidates were worthy prize winners.

Project: “Designing a Functional Demonstration Model of the Ankle for Biomechanics Education” by Dani Lipscombe, University of Bath.

Download Dani’s winning project final report and presentation.

Statement from Dani Lipscombe:

"I am absolutely delighted and honoured to have been selected as the winner.

It was a fantastic experience to present to such an esteemed panel of experts and to compete with such a worthy fellow finalist. I really enjoyed visiting the institution in London and soaking up a bit of mechanical engineering history.

In my project, I developed a motorized ankle joint capable of replicating ankle injury motions as a science communication tool for Biomechanics researchers and Physios. Integration of Mechatronics principles was key to its evolution. I have since returned to the University of Bath as a Research Assistant to continue working on Ankle Biomechanics Research.

I was really impressed by the work that fellow finalist Aagnesh presented, and I'll be interested to see how he develops the concept in future.

I'd like to thank the IMechE and Elekta for Organising such an enjoyable competition and event, I’d also like to thank those at the University of Bath who supported me on the project during my Masters."

Runner up
Project: “Digifacturing: Strategically Redefining Manufacturing for micro-SMEs”  by Aagnesh Rajan, University of Lincoln

Download the presentation

Statement from Aagnesh Rajan:

"I am grateful to the IMechE for organising this competition and to Elekta Ltd for sponsoring the event. This project, “Digifacturing: Strategically Redefining Manufacturing for Micro-SMEs”, was a year-long endeavour that brought together everything I learned during my time at the University of Lincoln. From mechanical CAD to electrical circuits and ladder logic programming. I am proud of what I accomplished, not only in terms of electromechanical design and programming but also in integrating diverse disciplines to address real-world manufacturing challenges. I am thankful to my supervisor, Dr Faiz Iqbal, and the supportive technicians team at the University of Lincoln for being the back bone of this project.

As a mechatronics engineer, we are 'Jack of all trades master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one.'

I hope to see this competition continue and support amazing mechatronics engineers and go strength to strength".

Eric Rogers, Chair of the Mechatronics, Informatics and Control Group (MICG) would like to congratulate all our participants and wish them a successful career on behalf of the board, judges, and Elecka Ltd our sponsor.

The Mechatronics, Informatics and Control Group Board, invites entries for the 2025 competition of The Mechatronics Engineering Student of The Year Competition, to find the best undergraduate or recent graduate student project in the field of mechatronics from a United Kingdom University.

Download poster and application form
Entry deadline: Monday 8 September 2025.
Finals will be held on Wednesday 22 October 2025

Other prizes awarded by the Mechatronics, Informatics and Control Group:

Donald Julius Groen Prize
Joseph Bramah Medal


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