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IMechE’s Tribology Silver Medal 2022 Winner Announced

Institution News Team

Professor Daniele Dini
Professor Daniele Dini

Professor Daniele Dini has been awarded the Institution’s Silver Medal for Tribology.

Professor Daniele Dini attained his master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Politecnico di Bari (Italy) in 2000. Daniele was awarded his PhD in 2004 at the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Solid Mechanics at the University of Oxford. During the same year Daniele received the Tribology Bronze Medal for his early career achievements and contribution to the field of fretting fatigue.

Professor Dini is Head of the Tribology Group at Imperial College, one of the largest in the world. Professor Dini’s group performs fundamental research and supports the application of tribology in industry. 

Professor Daniele Dini has published over 250 papers in international journals and has presented over 50 invited, keynote. He also delivers advanced courses and seminars to industry. His work has led to the award of international journal paper prizes, the Donald Julius Groen Prize for Tribology in 2019 and the inaugural Peter Jost Tribology Award in 2022.

The institution would like to congratulate Professor Daniele Dini on winning the Tribology Silver medal.

View Daniele Dini's full citation


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