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The IMechE South East Asia Region saw further expansion in Indonesia with two new student chapters established in Politeknik Akamigas (AKAMIGAS) and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) as the IMechE profile in the region increases.
The launching ceremony was organised on 5 June 2023 in UGM in Yogjakarta and was attended by 60 staff and students of UGM as well as representatives from AKAMIGAS. The ceremony began with a welcoming speech by Student Chapter Chairman, Mr. Fikri Muhammad Akbar, followed by Academic Liaison Officer of UGM Student Chapter, Ir. Joko Waluyo. Dr. Eng. Ir. Adhika Widyaparaga then delivered the welcoming speech for the launching ceremony on behalf of the Head of Department.
Ir. Dr. Chua Yaw Long the IMechE SEA region chair, accompanied by Dr Kushendarsyah Saptaji, Indonesia IMechE Country Representative and Mr Zen Teng, IMechE SEA and Oceania Business Development Manager attended the launching ceremony of the student chapters in UGM.
During the launching ceremony, Ir. Dr. Chua delivered a technical talk titled “Role of engineers in in Tackling Climate Change” while Dr Kushendarsyah delivered a talk on “Brief Introduction on Failure Analysis”. “Introduction to IMechE Student Chapter” was delivered by Mr Zen Teng.
A Q & A session followed after the technical talks by all the speakers. The launching ceremony ended with Ir. Dr. Chua presenting the certificates of student chapter establishments to the Representatives from both UGM and AKAMIGAS.
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