Terry Spall, President, IMechE and Colin Brown, CEO, IMechE
Following our recent Governance Reviews, the Institution has embarked on a programme of change to create a more effective, inspiring and inclusive culture which will be fundamental to our future success.
You may have taken part in one of the focus groups we held last year to hear your views about the culture of the Institution and what needed to change. Your views are important to us and we have analysed feedback from these groups to move to this next stage of the project.
We expected that the feedback would call for change to some of our values, and it was clear that you are looking for this too. Encouragingly however it was an evolution not a revolution.
Our analysis has highlighted four values that resonate most with both employees and members. These fall into the categories: Inclusion; Integrity; Innovation; and Impact.
If you would like to know more about the feedback from the focus groups and the project timeline, please look here: interviews and focus group summary and project timeline.
We now need your help to move into the next critical step and that is to design the behaviours that sit behind what will be our new values. We also would like to receive your ideas about how we encourage people to display them, and what we can do to exemplify both good and bad examples as they occur in the future.
We therefore invite you to take part in this survey which will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Your feedback will be used to design our briefings, our induction workshops and our wider marketing content so please participate. Our goal is nothing less than transforming the culture of the Institution to be the best in class.
Please click here to participate IMechE Values and Behaviours Survey. We have extended the deadline to Friday 2 April for you to complete the survey.
Thank you again to everyone who has contributed to this important project so far.
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