Institution news

Industrial visit to Munjal Showa Pvt Ltd

World Bulletin Team

Young Member Panel, IMechE India
Young Member Panel, IMechE India

The Young Member Panel, India Branch, organised a one day visit for mechanical engineering students to Munjal Showa Pvt Ltd, IMT, Manesar, Haryana.eam

Led by Mr Piyush Sethi (Chairperson, YMP), Mr Anshul Verma (Webmaster, YMP) the group of 25 affiliate members and other people, from two different industries and six different student chapters visited the plant on 19 August.

The main objective of the visit was to show the students the various processes involved in designing and manufacturing of various shock absorbers (front and rear) for two wheelers and four wheelers automobiles. 

The day began with a company presentation by Mr Rakesh Atre, TPM expert of the Munjal Showa Industry followed by a plant visit. The students learned the specific values and parameters that must be considered while designing and manufacturing shock absorbers. 

The Chief Manager of the plant introduced the group to the various sections, processes and the final product assembly room along with the quality testing and painting units. 

At the end of the day a presentation by Mr. Rakesh Atre highlighted the achievements of the company resulting from their own TPM approach. The visit finished with a group discussion with Mr. Atre to find out more about his 39 years’ experience in the industrial sector and Munjal Showa as a whole. 


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