Institution news

Institution activities a storming success at Imagineering Fair

Institution News Team

One of the popular 'Brush Bugs'
One of the popular 'Brush Bugs'

Midland Region volunteers ran their ever-popular Institution stand at the Midland Imagineering Fair.

The Midland Imagineering Fair, held at the Ricoh Arena, aims to attract school children into STEM subjects with particular emphasis on engineering. Over 2,500 paying visitors attended the two-day event, which was sponsored by Jaguar Land Rover, and featured high-profile engineering businesses, university and professional engineering institutions.
John Butler CEng FIMechE FIET CDipAF, Education Officer for the Midland Region, said its committee’s twin objectives – of pursuing an engaging and practical education outreach mission, and encouraging the participation of the 10,000 regional members – feeds into its strong presence at the Fair, which it has attended for 12 successive years.

He said: “We took two types of construction activities to the Imagineering Fair this year. What was incredible was that the under-12s kit – Brush Bugs – was so popular we had exhausted our 150 packs by 2pm on Saturday – the same number of kit activities that lasted the whole weekend last year.”

The Brush Bug is the brainchild of Caroline Alliston CEng FIMechE of Technology for Fun. John saw the Bug in action this year when he attended the Institution's Volunteer Conference at One Birdcage Walk.

He said: “Straight away I knew it would be ideal – something with bristles but no wheels and a motor you have to fix so you can get it to run around the floor. Children found it really fascinating, and of course they also decorated it, and got to take it home.”

For older children (and their parents) there was also a model crane construction kit. This was designed by the Midland Region committee, with parts manufactured by Mind Sets. Volunteers were deployed at each table to support the youngsters – and their parents – and about 90 cranes were built across the two days. As well as the Brush Bugs, the resourceful Institution team also used over 100 ever-popular Bloodhound model car kits, which they have used at the Fair in previous years. John says nearly 400 children enjoyed the range of activities laid on by the Institution volunteers.

Phil Brocklehurst CEng MIMechE, Chairman Midland Region, who volunteered on the stand, is calling on more people to get involved. He said: “From first thing we got very busy, particularly with the Brush Bug – and things really snowballed as more and more children saw how much fun they were to build.

"We handed out information on engineering and careers to their parents who were also very receptive. I would recommend that members get involved with this and similar events, where engineering can be demonstrated to school children with simple working models; it is both satisfying and enjoyable.”

The Institution's activities were a storming success at  the Midland Imagineering Fair

Matthew Snell BEng (Hons) AMIMechE volunteered at the Imagineering Fair for the first time this year, having previously worked with children at a local Scouts group. Matthew said: “I wanted to get involved because there was nothing like this event (that I ever heard of) when I was that age.

"I was lucky to end up working (for Demag Cranes, now Terex) in something that I really enjoy but if I’d had the experiences that were being provided at the Imagineering fair, perhaps I would have known long ago what area of engineering I wanted to get into.

“The best part of the day for me was supporting children making the model crane. I used the structure of the tower to illustrate Pythagoras’ Triangle Theorem. It was a pleasure to help them reach a level of understanding that I didn’t have at their age, and start to see products like cranes as the technical masterpieces that they are.” 

22 Midland Region volunteers facilitated the Institution’s presence, supporting children’s discovery of engineering and promoting the work of the Institution and engineering industry to all visitors. 

John Butler noted that this number of volunteers was fewer than in previous years and wants to encourage Midland Region’s membership to get in touch. There are a number of events coming up next year – from Meet the Experts at the ThinkTank Museum to Imagineering clubs and fairs – that all require volunteers.

Contact the Midland Region.
Find out more about volunteering with the Institution.

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