Automobile Division

Interview: Mexico's TM Racing

Formula Student Team

2021 entry
2021 entry

We are delighted to hear from TM Racing’s team leader Zyanya Zúñiga and her colleagues all the way from ITESM in Mexico as they prepare their latest car to the Formula Student competition and the passion they bring from the other side of the world!

Kindly give us an overview of your university and team!

Zyanya Zúñiga, Team Leader: TM Racing is ITESM’s (Tecnológico de Monterrey) first and only Formula Student team. We were founded in 2017 and have competed in FSUK Concept Class with an EV design 3 times, 2021 being the 4th one. Our team is the only group of our university that is made up of students from 3 different campus in the Mexico City region.

The last time we caught up with your team was in 2017, what has changed since then?

Zyanya Zúñiga: In late 2019, the first generation of our team, including our founders Pedro Maass and Aryan Roman, graduated! So in September of that year, a new team leader and division leaders were chosen, which alongside the remaining members, began working on our 2020 car. At the time we were only 17 people working to compete in July 2020, for most of us it was going to be our first time attending Formula Student at Silverstone. In March 2020, as our school sent us home, we realized it was going to be impossible to attend, which made us extremely sad. At that point, we did not know how the competition was to be held, if it even were to be held, but we decided to keep working in our car trusting that all the hard work was going to pay off one way or another. It is important for me to say that most of us did not really know each other, we had had few meetings in the first part of 2019 because we were not attending FSUK that year, so team bonding was one of the greatest challenges, specially due to COVID restrictions.

Then we received the great news that FSUK was going to be held virtually, which made the team both excited and nervous because, not only it was going to be the first competition for most of us, but it was also a totally new format that we could not ask for reference with our older generation members. Nevertheless, we worked our hardest to achieve all submissions in time and we were certainly proud of the work we had put together. On the day of the Q&As with the judges it was 6am for us, but we all agreed to meet (online, of course) at 5am to ease our nerves and share our excitement. After everything had concluded, we met again and talked about how we felt just as if we had been in Silverstone. I am pleased to say that in that moment, even though we weren’t physically together, we felt like a team again, and we were genuinely excited to bring more people on board with our project and achieve greater things for TM Racing.

Currently we are 52 members from more than 10 different programs/majors, from business to digital design and, of course, engineering. Even though, most of us have not met in real life, we feel the closest we have ever been as a team. We are very eager to participate in FS 2021!

The team meeting online

How has COVID been affecting the team in Mexico? What sort of restrictions have you had to work under and how have you been overcoming these?

Since March 13th 2020, we have not been able to access any of our campus facilities, such as laboratories or even our workshop. Nevertheless, as we are still competing in Concept Class, it has not been of great damage to the work on our car. Also, thanks to one of our sponsors (IQ Innovation) we have our own 3DExperince platform in which we can easily work simultaneously and save all our information in the cloud. As I mentioned earlier, our members are from 3 different campus, so even before the pandemic we were used to do at least one online general meeting every 2 weeks. The only difference now is that all our meetings are online. Despite the challenges faced in this online format, we have found that it can also be helpful to our decision making and design process. For example, we like to keep general meetings as short as possible and to always have a team bonding activity, which helps us break the monotony of doing everything online.

Clockwise from top left: 

Alejandro - Temoorary Chief of Aerodynamics
Oscar - Chief of Braking, Steering and Tires
Sebastian - Operations Leader
Sydney - PM, Chief Electronics
Juan Pablo - Engineering Leader, Cooling System Chief
Zyanya - Team Leader
Brandon - Chief of Chassis and Suspension

Tell us about the vehicle you’re developing for FS2021!

Sydney Hickert, Project Manager and Electronics Chief: Given that during this season we can compete with the same car from last year, we have really implemented the feedback we received from the judges and worked on more details with the main objective of achieving the greatest performance our car can give.

Patricio del Villar and Ricardo Arenas, Powertrain Chiefs: Firstly, the car will be powered by four AMK motors, one for each tire in an in-rim configuration. The motor will be directly connected to the sun gear of a double stage planetary gearbox made of a high-strength steel. This configuration will allow for a maximum speed of 120 kph.

Sydney Hickert: To reach this desired maximum speed, we have been focusing on how to hit all the sweet spots in regard to power. To do this we have been working on the control system that will deliver current to the motors and control the total power output. The latter is not only because of the restrictions specified in the rule book but also to have the most efficient use of energy. We also have worked on the best design for the accumulator, which needs to satisfy the energetic demand of the car while remaining lightweight. We have done various simulations to get an estimate of the power demand and base the battery arrangement from those results.

Juan Pablo Rojas, Engineering Leader and Cooling System Chief: During this year, we have been focusing on simulations and developing a new accumulator case.

Brandon Betto, Chassis and Suspension Chief: Regarding chassis and suspension, our main focus has been generating a more fluid geometry to have better packaging whilst maintaining a suitable weight for our selected material (AISI 1018). On the other hand, we are working on structural validation for the main frame. Finally, we have implemented a new sub-area that is generating a stronger vehicle dynamics base for our car, which has helped us design anti-roll bars and redesign the suspension arms and rockers.

Alejandro Reyes-Esparza, Temporary Chief of Aerodynamics : We have also been working in a new body with better aerodynamic components, such as sidepods and a great diffuser, that will enhance the work done by the whole team.

TM Racing at FormulaE Mexico

What are your goals for FS2021?

Sebastian Calderon, Operations Chief: TM Racing general team goals for this season are: to create a better version of our 2020 car and further develop the key concepts that ground and tie our project together. Our Operations Division’s main goals are: achieve Top 5 in the Business Plan Presentation and in the Cost and Manufacture Event, to create a BPP that is innovative and relevant to the times we are currently living, and to reinvent our Procurement and Marketing area.

Juan Pablo Rojas: For all the engineering areas, our main goal is to have the car design ready to be manufactured, so we can start it as soon as it is possible.

Sydney Hickert: In Electronics, one of the main goals is to improve the overall efficiency of the car. Energy consumption is very important to keep in mind for an EV and to have the best performance we decided to work on the implementation of things such as a traction control system. Not only with this improve the acceleration and traction of the vehicle, but also make better use of the energy available.

Oscar Regalado, Braking, Steering and Tires Chief: In the Brakes, Tires and Steering area we have been working on very specific goals that will give the car the performance we are aiming to have. These goals are:

  • The braking system allows the car to stop in 3 seconds.
  • The steering system and tires provide control and stability to the vehicle. The steering system has a steering ratio lower or equal to 7.5:1 and has an Anti-Ackerman percentage between 70%-80%.
  • The tires were chosen based on a friction and cornering coefficient obtained with a Matlab code. With this information we chose the optimal tires considering weight and costs.

Brandon Betto, Chassis and Suspension Chief: For chassis and suspension our goals are:

  • Chassis
    • Maintain good weight
    • Good structural performance
    • Upgrade the geometry to get a better packaging
  • Suspension
    • Decisions supported by an analysis of vehicle dynamics
    • Upgrade of suspension arms and rockers
    • Integrate anti roll bars if it is necessary

What have been your best moments of the competition so far?

Zyanya Zúñiga: It is difficult to chose just one good moment from this season’s preparation but, if I were to choose one I would say that catching up with everybody before starting a meeting. Listening to how everybody is doing and having a short moment to get to know everyone better is what I consider a key factor of working as a real team.

Sebastian Calderon:  For me the best moment of the competition so far has been recruiting new members from our university and expanding the TM Racing Family. As well as preparing online events, such as conferences with important women in the industry!

Sydney Hickert: One of my favourite moments is when we have made online events. This year we had some conferences with important women in the automotive industry in Mexico such as the CEO of Hyundai Mexico. Listening to these high performing women talk about their life and career really inspires me to shoot for the stars. Sometimes the career we choose will be complicated, demanding, harsh but we are all more resilient than we think.

Brandon Betto: Finding good moments during the last season has been difficult as the format of the competition changed in the wake of the pandemic. Nevertheless, we have certainly had moments of reflection and pure happiness since we have managed to maintain ourselves as a team, learn to use new programs and applications that help us in some way to validate, analyze, study, and calculate different processes that we previously did in person. Despite all expectations, our team remained together and I believe closer than ever.

Juan Pablo Rojas: So far, the best moment has been the short weekly meetings I have with my team because after discussing work-related issues, we have time to talk and connect. Despite the situation, we have been able to stay in touch and feel like a team.

Patricio del Villar and Ricardo Arenas: For us, the most exciting part is the assembly of the entire car after everyone has made their designs and simulations.

Oscar Regalado: Covid has made the process difficult, not being able to meet in person and not being able to use the university’s installations is a challenge. This situation made the team adapt, using better communication techniques, use of software, etc. So, the best part for me has been that we have developed fun online activities to maintain the relationship and not just talk about the car, which has made the process more enjoyable.

Alejandro Reyes-Esparza, temporary Aerodynamics Chief: It is hard to highlight the best moment, but easy to tell that unity and support during this whole quarantine has been the best moments in our team. We truly feel like a family.

TM Racing Chassis

What made you and/or some of your team members join Formula Student?

Zyanya Zúñiga: Truly the passion for motorsports and doing things outside of my comfort zone were my fuel to join TM Racing. And I can confidently say it has been the best decision of my entire life.

Juan Pablo Rojas: I joined TM Racing because I wanted to apply what I learn in class. Also, to meet new people who are also passionate about motorsport and from whom I can learn a lot. Competing against the best is also a great reason to do it.

Sydney Hickert: In the summer of 2016, I had begun to be fascinated by the amazing characteristics of race cars. In that summer I had first heard of Formula Student, but I was disappointed I would not be able to participate because there was not a team or FSAE competition in Mexico yet. By pure serendipity, a team had been founded the year I enrolled at Tec de Monterrey and I joined without missing a beat.

Patricio del Villar: I think we are all here because of our passion for formula as well as for engineering, and we all want to probe ourselves that we can and that we are the great at what we and what is better than designing a very fast car?

Alejandro Reyes-Esparza: The spirit of racing. Simple as that.

TM Racing at FormulaE Mexico

What would you say to anyone just starting FS for the first time this year?

Zyanya Zúñiga: Do not underestimate yourself, when we started, we all knew very little about Formula Student and the challenges it has, so do not be afraid of failure because making mistakes is the way to knowledge. Learn from every step you take, reach to others when you need help and be confident.

Juan Pablo Rojas: Learn from your classes, learn from your teammates, and learn by yourself. Eventually, you will have a chance to create something using that knowledge and be proud of it. At first, it might be difficult, but it will be worth it. So just start working and enjoy every moment of it.

Sydney Hickert: I would suggest buying a good coffee machine because it will require lots of work hours. Being in FS while also being a full-time student can be a challenge, but it can be done. You need to really plan and make very good use of your time.

Alejandro Reyes-Esparza: Be patient, persevere, stick to your determination and will of winning. You will learn along the way, even when you fail do not quit.

Patricio del Villar: That they should not give up, there are always difficult moments, and it is difficult to maintain a team together at the beginning, but if you set your goals straights and surround with people that share your passion you can do it. Also, to set your goals to a realistic scenario so that you don’t get too disappointed while competing with cars that have over ten years of experience.

Who or what inspires you and the team?

Patricio del Villar: I think that as a team we want to continue with what we started so we keep pushing.

Sydney Hickert: I am inspired by my teammates and what we have achieved up to this day.

Many of us want to work in motorsport, especially F1, one day. This drive to reach one of the most demanding industries pushes us to give the best and put in the effort to do quality work. The motivation to learn and keep improving from past results keeps us moving forward. We want to change the perception of what Mexicans can do in engineering and, to do so, we need to give the absolute best of us.

Zyanya Zúñiga: Everyday my teammates inspire me to do and give my best, not for my own satisfactions, but for the team’s future.

Who in the team deserves some recognition for their work?

Zyanya Zúñiga: I cannot pin point just one person on the team that deserves recognition, each and every member has given their all to the team and I am the proudest to be working alongside such dedicated and brilliant minds.

Sydney Hickert: Brandon Betto, the Chassis and Vehicle Dynamics Lead Engineer has been incredibly professional and followed through with his commitments. Last year he said he would improve his English and he did! He is also very keen on constantly making improvements on the chassis and developing the new Vehicle Dynamics area. His leadership in this direction is seen in the chassis that has improved greatly and looks better compared to last season’s. I also think one of the new members, Antonio Lizano, who came into electronics has done a fantastic job in his first season. He developed an algorithm that can determine the best arrangement of the batteries in the accumulator given the energetic consumption of the vehicle. He has also been very keen on doing the best and most realistic simulations we can do to have the most realistic data, given that we cannot do any physical tests yet.

Juan Pablo Rojas: It is difficult to choose just one person because everyone deserves recognition for their hard work. There is someone who steps it up and is our team leader Zyanya. I'm amazed at how she manages to resolve every situation on the team while being nice to everyone and keeping the team together.

Patricio del Villar: I think that everyone deserves recognition, but specially in these difficult times, the project management team deserves recognition for keeping us together and making everyone complete their chores.

Who would you like to thank?

Zyanya Zúñiga: Firstly, we would like to thank our sponsors IQ Innovation, Altair and Energus for trusting in us and in our project, as well as being a great part of the achievement of our goals and dreams. They are a true inspiration for the team. As well as all the faculty at our university that has been helping and believing in us since day one: Jorge Aguirre, our Faculty Advisor; Diego Contreras, Ziranda Gonzalez, José Angel Reyes, Jose Antonio Tame, and Eloy Vilchis.

I would like to thank Sydney for sticking with me through hours of planning and for coming up with such great bonding activities that keep us all together. To every chief in our team, thank you for your patience, innovation, and hard work, I would not be here if it were not for all of you. Lastly but certainly not least, to all the team members, thank you for your support and for everything you bring to the table; you all make TM Racing the team of my dreams.

Juan Pablo Rojas: I would like to thank every team member who is working on this project as well as team members who have graduated and were the ones who created a path for us.

Sydney Hickert: I’d like to thank Zyanya, for the unwavering leadership in these complicated times and continuous belief in the team. I’d like also to thank my parents for bearing with my all-nighters and making coffee at unearthly hours. They have fully supported me in this project and have given me valuable advice and motivation along the way.

Alejandro Reyes-Esparza:  I would like to thank my teachers, my parents, my sister, my girlfriend and my friends because, if it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be here and now, participating in such a prestigious competition.


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