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Jessica Reading wins IMechE Apprentice of the Year 2020 award

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2020 Award winners
2020 Award winners

Joint winners of EngTech of the Year for the first time – Euan MacLean from Doosan Babcock and Rebecca Simms from MBDA. Matthew Crofts from Babcock International wins EngTech Visionary of the Year. The UK Atomic Energy Authority wins Apprentice Provider of the Year.

Bryan Hildrew Apprentice of the Year 2020

Jessica Reading, an apprentice at Siemens, has won the Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ Bryan Hildrew Apprentice of the Year 2020 Award.

Jessica helps to promote STEM during career fairs, and outside of work she works as a personal tutor to GCSE students where she encourages apprenticeships.

“An apprenticeship was always the pathway for me as I love developing real-world skills, alongside excellent on the job training and development whilst studying Engineering at college. I have loved every moment of my journey so far and all the opportunities that are opening up for me. I would recommend an Apprenticeship pathway to everyone!"

Jessica was nominated by Siemens Training and Development Manager, David Thomas, who praised her for being a great role model, encouraging other people to consider a career in engineering by improving the inclusivity of their programmes.

The Brian Hildrew Apprentice of the Year Award winner will receive an educational grant of £1,500 to support their career development

EngTech of the Year 2020

For the first time, we have joint winners of this award: Euan MacLean who works at Babcock International and Rebecca Simms who was nominated by her colleagues at missile manufacturer MBDA UK Ltd.

Working closely with the Apprentice Recruitment Team at Babcock, Euan presents to schools and potential candidates, telling them about his journey through apprenticeships and to where he is now. Euan also offers support to candidates who are preparing for interviews and keeps in regular contact with them.

“This prestigious recognition is important as it helps me to show how apprenticeships, combined with challenging work environments and surrounding oneself with knowledgeable colleagues can support young people in launching into a successful and rewarding career in engineering.”

During her time as a STEM Ambassador, Rebecca delivered over 250 hours of STEM engagement activities. She also helps to organise and oversee all the STEM outreach and work experience activities at MBDA Bolton.

“It is a real honour to win this award, and I am excited about how it will support me in continuing to promote STEM subjects and inspiring Young People to consider careers in STEM, said Rebecca.

Ben Sudworth, Senior Manufacturing Engineer and Outreach Lead at Bolton MBDA, praises Rebecca for her passion towards encouraging young people, in particular females, to consider careers in STEM and the defence industry.

The EngTech of the Year Award provides the winners with £2,000 to extend and continue their activities in promoting engineering to young people.

EngTech Visionary of the Year 2020

Matthew Crofts, Apprenticeship Assessor, and Internal Quality Assurer at Babcock International Marine Training was awarded with the EngTech Visionary of the Year Award “for his outstanding and successful promotion of the value of professional registration as an EngTech and general support of apprentices"

In his role, Matthew assesses 1,200 Royal Navy Marine Engineering Apprentices every year, and according to his Apprentice Assessor, Chris Matthews, he “captures the attention of the young mechanical engineers on the fleet ships and onshore with humour and engineering stories.”

Matthew strongly promotes the importance of self-learning in the engineering environment, ongoing CPD and membership of IMechE. Since Matthew joined IMechE as an EngTech member in 2019, he has been energetic and enthusiastic in promoting the value of professional registration as EngTech to all completing apprentices.

Apprentice Provider of the Year 2020

The UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) were presented with the Advanced Apprentice Provider of the Year Award for their "well-rounded scheme which is very active in its outreach and has a high retention rate and has widened the appeal of engineering as a career.”

This award recognises the significant role employers and educators have in promoting EngTech registration.

Clare Davis, UKAEA’s People Development Manager, “We are incredibly proud to receive this award and to be recognised for the work we do in enabling our apprentices to fulfil their potential.”

UKAEA has an apprentice scheme with over 100 apprentices. It encourages the apprentices to go out and organise talks schools, promoting apprenticeships and engaging with the local community.


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