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Join the Academic Assessment Committee (AAC) and Shape the Future of Engineering

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Join the Academic Assessment Committee (AAC) and Shape the Future of Engineering
Join the Academic Assessment Committee (AAC) and Shape the Future of Engineering

Are you passionate about shaping the next generation of engineers? We are seeking dedicated professionals to join our Academic Assessment Committee (AAC). This is an exceptional opportunity to share your expertise, contribute to the profession, and support the continued professional development (CPD) of engineers worldwide.

As a member of the AAC, you will play a critical role in maintaining the standard of academic qualifications of individual applications for membership and registration as a Chartered Engineer, or an Incorporated Engineer, for applicants without fully accredited degree qualifications.

This is not only an opportunity to give back to your profession but also a chance to enhance your own CPD. You'll collaborate with a diverse group of engineers from various industries and academic settings, keeping you abreast of developments outside your immediate sphere.

We are looking for professionals who are already professionally registered. Ideal candidates will have experience in a management or engineering role and be familiar with the IMechE Code of Conduct, Values and Behaviours, as well as UK-SPEC and relevant policy documents such as the Registration Code of Practice (RCoP). Both Committee and Panel are made up of approximately equal numbers of academic and industrial members. Comprehensive training is provided to ensure you are fully prepared for your responsibilities.

The AAC meets approximately four times a year, primarily through virtual meetings on MS Teams. Volunteers typically begin by joining the assessment Panel, where they gain insight into the specific assessment tasks, before potentially advancing to a full Committee role as positions become available.

Peter Winter CEng FIMechE, Chair of the AAC, emphasises: "Serving on an IMechE committee is a two-way process: we give of our time to put something back into our profession; we also obtain both learning and pleasure in a collegiate context from the experience. We broaden the range of engineering we see, which is a useful way to keep up to date in developments outside of our immediate sphere. We meet interesting engineers from a deliberately wide range of industries and academic settings. This is also very useful CPD for each of us."

To apply, simply fill out the Volunteer Recruitment Form and send it along with your latest CV or a brief career summary to The committee will review your application, and you might be invited for a friendly chat on Teams with the Chair or other experienced members to discuss the role further.

Ready to make a difference? Learn more about the role and how to apply.

Help us uphold the standards of engineering excellence—join the AAC today.


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