Engineering news

Lloyd's Register designs nuclear-powered vessel


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Small modular reactor vessel will work in Chinese waters

Lloyd's Register Energy is working with a Chinese company to develop a floating vessel containing a small modular reactor (SMR) nuclear power plant.

Lloyd’s and China’s Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC) have joined forces to produce the SMR vessel to supply electrical power to offshore installations in Chinese waters.

The Framework Agreement is to develop new nuclear safety regulations, safety guidelines, and nuclear code and standards for the floating vessel that are consistent with Offshore and International Marine Regulations and the IAEA Nuclear Safety Standards.

NPIC has ambitions to build a fleet of nuclear-powered vessels, claiming the technology is proven and clean.

It said: “Our latest initiative to develop energy supplies to offshore installations through nuclear power is just one example of how we are seeking to innovate and apply new ways of using nuclear technology for robust power supply. We look forward to working with Lloyd’s Register Energy on this ground-breaking nuclear project.”

The contract follows David Cameron and president Xi Jingping's signing last week of a deal agreeing to Chinese investment at Hinkley Point in Somerset. It is the largest inward investment ever in the UK. France's EDF and CGN, a Chinese nuclear consortium, are poised to agree to build the plant, and possibly two more.


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