Institution news

Meet Anjali Blagbrough, Member Network Team Manager who runs our Volunteer Hub which is at the heart of IMechE

Institution News Team

The Institution is hosting this year’s International Extravaganza in Birdcage Walk from 12 to 16 September where we will welcome the International Strategy Board, the International Young Members Committee, and the finalists from the Speak Out for Engineering competition for a week of meetings, events, and activities.

We spoke to Anjali Blagbrough, coordinator of the Extravaganza, about her role at IMechE, the highlights of the week and the importance of volunteering.

Tell us about yourself.

On graduating from Kings College, University of London, where I studied Classics, I began my working life in the Finance Services Sector then moved to an education charity focusing on STEM Outreach. In 2018 I had the good fortune to join IMechE. 

What attracted me was the Institution’s international focus which chimed with the international lifestyle I enjoyed as the daughter of a British diplomat travelling extensively and living and studying overseas. As someone who has been an active volunteer since my school days, I well understand the needs of volunteers and the value at a personal level of volunteering.

Tell us what you do for the Institution on a day-to-day basis. What does an average day look like?

Over the past five years I have had a variety of different roles including working with the Education Team, the Young Members Board & the Apprentice Automation Challenge. In my current role as Manager, Member Network Team, I am responsible for a range of boards and committees including those of the Regional Strategy Board, Technical Strategy Board, International Young Members Committee, Young Members Board, Engineering Heritage Committee, Divisions, Groups & Centres, Regional Networks both UK and international and Prizes & Awards.

There is no such thing as an average day: every day involves different activities and brings different challenges. These include attending Board and Committee meetings; working with volunteers on events, projects, and activities; making sure volunteers are supported; and offering volunteers advice and guidance and liaising on their behalf with departments in the Institution. In addition, I am involved in organising large scale events, award ceremonies, strategy weekends and supporting good governance.

Why is it important that our members are actively involved with the Institution?

Members who volunteer are at the heart of the Institution. Without these volunteers the Institution would not be able to function. They provide the membership of the boards, committees, and lead on Institution activities. The member networks ensure that voices of members are heard and that the right level of support is being provided.

The week of 12 September is IMechE’s International Extravaganza – could you tell us more about this week and how it benefits our volunteers?

The International Extravaganza will bring together in London the International Strategy Board, the International Young Members Committee, and the finalists from the Speak Out for Engineering competition for a week of meetings, events, and activities. There will be opportunities to engage with members of the Council, Trustee Board, Young Members Board, Regional Strategy Board, to name but a few. Above all, the Extravaganza will provide both an opportunity for networking for representatives across the globe as well as influencing the future direction of the organisation.

What are you doing to promote our International Members?

The Institution is an international body with a network of members across more than 140 countries and its very future depends on listening to the voices of its members and providing them with opportunities to engage in the conversation and promote engineering. In promoting these opportunities, we use technical & networking events, conferences around key issues – both virtual and face to face – provide access to an extensive library and archive, Business Development Managers and international support staff and the launch of a new global web page.

We’ve just launched a new global web page so you can find information about our international groups, our global business development team, and our latest international news. Check it out here!

Why should someone become an IMechE volunteer? What do they get out of it?

There are many reasons for becoming an IMechE Volunteer. In doing so you have

  • a voice in the future direction of the Institution;
  • amazing network opportunities among a wide range of people, institutions, and organisations
  • the chance to raise your profile within the engineering community 
  • an opportunity to share ideas and information through outreach and education
  • the possibility to engage with a dynamic, forward-looking group of individuals from across different generations, countries, and industries

More broadly you have the opportunity to build and be part of the engineering community in your area and fulfil our mission of creating a better world.

We’ll be showcasing all of the week’s activities on our social media channels – keep up to date by following us: Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.


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