Engineering news
Jade is an apprentice at MBDA UK. She has achieved a HND with double Distinction in Electrical Engineering. She started a second HND in September 2014.
On winning the award, Jade said: “I was thrilled to win the IET Apprentice of the Year 2014 award, not just because it filled me with a strong sense of pride for my work, but because it raised my profile both at MBDA and in the industry. I know this industry was the right choice for me and I hope I can inspire other young people to take up this rewarding career."
William Webb, IET president, said: “The contributions that apprentices make to our industry are invaluable, yet they are not often recognised. The IET wants to showcase the hard work and dedication that apprentices bring to engineering and ensure that we continue to support future generations. These awards give us the perfect opportunity to give credit where it is due.
“Apprenticeships continue to remain top of every government’s agenda and the IET supports this view – we want to help improve the quality and reliability of apprenticeships through our Professional Home for Life®. The role of an apprentice is essential to the industry growing and developing over the coming years.”
Placed as a Manufacturing Engineer, her first responsibility was on a Brimstone radar seeker attrition project. Following on from the success of this project, she worked with a Principle Engineer to create a training module for new starters and apprentices allowing them to understand the assembly, engineering and logistics processes behind the full strip and build a Brimstone seeker.
Engineering, Technical and Operations apprentices will be able to use this module to aid their training with the use of a manufacturing data pack. This project saved MBDA a lot of man hours and a large amount of money. She has given promotional and motivational speeches at numerous events on the importance of women in engineering and has promoted engineering to young people, employers, parents and MPS. She has already won several awards.
To read more about Jade please click here.
The IET Apprentice of the year is open to:
An individual on an IET Approved Apprenticeship scheme. The award will be made annually to the apprentice who is making the best progress towards their apprentice qualifications.
To apply, please complete the online application on the IET Website: by 29th May 2015.