
New IMechE strategy aims to unlock opportunities and deliver better value

Professor David Nowell, strategy committee chair

This year we launched our new strategy, IMechE 2030, to set out long-term aims for the Institution, allowing us to focus our efforts and resources for the future.

The plan, which was launched by President Giles Hartill in June, sets out our vision of becoming a “global, inclusive and digitally enabled engineering community” so we can deliver our mission of “improving the world through engineering”.

We face growing global challenges, and engineers and technicians are best placed to find solutions, but this will require the right mix of people with the right skills. Our new strategy is an exciting opportunity to achieve this. We have two strategic goals:

Membership development – to develop, register and support our members and the wider engineering community to be their best for a more inclusive and sustainable world.

Impact – maximise the impact of our community to promote engineering, inform opinion and stimulate innovation for the benefit of society.

Through our new strategy, our efforts will continue to help our members become professionally registered, but also maintain support throughout careers at a time when lifelong learning is so important.

We want to encourage more young people to consider engineering as a career by showcasing the difference engineers make to society.

So what does this mean for members and what changes can you expect to see? 

We want to make sure that IMechE is easy and transparent to engage with, and staff and volunteers can work together as one team. To achieve our goals, we have organised our operations into four overarching capabilities – Recognition, Community, Impact and Expertise – which will reflect the typical lifelong journey of a member at IMechE. 

‘Recognition’, led by Claire Maycock, is where members join the Institution, from apprentices to chartered fellows, to become professionally registered. ‘Community’, led by Rob Porter, is where members will gain access to services such as events and networking occasions through our global and regional networks, as well as technical divisions and groups. 

‘Expertise’, led by Mark Pepperell, will provide professional engineering services, often aimed at business communities, including but reaching beyond our membership base. And ‘Impact’ is where our community has the opportunity to give back to society, for instance through education advice or wider policy advice to governments. 

“Joining the dots” between various IMechE communities, staff teams and organisations within the engineering space will allow us to unlock new opportunities, deliver better value to members and improve the impact of our activities.

These capabilities are underpinned by key enablers such as governance, led by Susannah Glover, finance, led by Grace Wheatley, and marketing and communications, led by Evelyn Alves.  

Our strategy is evolving, and we would like our members to help us shape our future. We are carrying out a major piece of membership research in the next few months – please look out for emails about this and encourage other members and volunteers to engage too. 

Find out more about the new strategy. 

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