Official notices

Notice of Annual Meeting: 19 September 2024

Dr Alice Bunn OBE, Chief Executive

The continuation of the Annual Meeting of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers will be held online on 19 September 2024.

Annual Meeting at 12:00hrs (BST)

The virtual Annual Meeting of the Institution will be held for the purpose of transacting the following business:

1. The presentation and review of the Trustee Board's Report and Annual Accounts the year ended 31 December 2023. (

2. Appointment of the Auditors.*

3. To receive an update on the IMechE Estate.

*We have recently undertaken a tender process to appoint new external auditors. A full update will be provided at the meeting.

Only Corporate Members and Associate Members of the Institution are entitled to participate in the business of the Annual Meeting. Other members may attend as observers but are not entitled to be heard or to vote (By-law 38). Proxy Votes will be accepted.

To register to join the meeting, please visit the following website:

The registration site will remain open until 12:00hrs (BST) on 17 September 2024, following which you will be sent an email with your joining and voting instructions. Please note that the codes are unique to you and should not be shared with anyone else.

The meeting will be accessible 5 minutes before the start of the Annual Meeting. For further information on how to use the site, please contact 

The Annual Meeting will be live streamed in the IMechE Council Room for members who would like to come to the building.

Full details and updates will be available on our website: Annual Meeting – IMechE (

Dr Alice Bunn OBE
Chief Executive
Registered Address: One Birdcage Walk, London SW1H 9JJ, UK.
Registered as a Charity in England & Wales (206882) and Scotland (SCO51227). 


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