Institution news

Obituary – Past President Professor Rod Smith

Institution News Team

Professor Rod Smith
Professor Rod Smith

We are saddened to learn of the death of Past President Professor Rod Smith FREng FIMechE on 26 December 2024. Rod died in an accident while walking with his family in the Lake District, on his 77th birthday.

Rod was elected as the Institution’s 126th President in May 2011 and made an important contribution to the Institution and the rail industry throughout his illustrious career.

He has been part of the IMechE community for over 50 years, having joined as an affiliate member in 1968.

IMechE President Clive Hickman OBE said:

“Rod Smith was a towering figure in engineering, both in his academic achievements and his contributions to the rail industry. As the 126th President of the Institution, his leadership and vision left an indelible mark on our community. His loss will be deeply felt, and we extend our heartfelt condolences to his family during this tragic time.”

Rod had a long and distinguished academic career at Oxford, Cambridge, Sheffield and Imperial College. In addition to being our Past President, he was a Chief Scientific Advisor to the Department of Transport.

At IMechE, he also served as Chairman of the Technical Strategy Board, Regional Strategy Board and the Strategy Advisory Committee.

During his period as a Trustee of the Science Museum, he was instrumental in bringing a Japanese Bullet train to the National Railway Museum in York.

He loved the mountains, climbing all the Lakeland Wainwrights and had led expeditions to Greenland, Arctic Norway, the Himalayas and the Karakoram

Rod is survived by his wife Yayoi (Yamanoi) and his extended family in the UK and Japan.



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